Ret paladin viability

Thread =/= Post

English man do you speak it?!?!?

I don’t have to do anything - you have eyes and can read - put on your big boy pants and learn something by reading a thread

Quite honestly no one really cares if someone plays ret. Its well above the minimum requirement for almost all bosses and quite frankly if someone cares then ignore them.

I have a problem when someone claims to know something, provides no actual evidence outside of I did it I swear and YouTube videos.

I was a master in a class discord in legion (retired) I have a problem with people lying about classes and how they work. People need accurate and formal evidence to understand and improve.

So I’ll take that as an admission of defeat. You have never once given actual data nor proper evidence to support any of your claims.

Stop lying to people and grow up.

lulz w/e man - all the answers are in that thread - read it or not

i don’t care

but if you show up as Arms spec in Classic then lulz at you

and you saying that Arms Warrior is legit in Vanilla is telling the truth?

that thread is literally teaming with information covering every class/spec that can swing Nightfall along with our test results both on a test server and on a live server

if you don’t want to educate yourself by READING then I can’t help you - the information is right there…

Read the thread

Nightfall proc uptime:

  1. Melee Hunter (by about 5-10% over #2)
  2. Ret Paladin
  3. OT Warrior

Individual DPS on their own:

  1. Ret Paladin (by a large margin over #2)
  2. Melee Hunter
  3. OT Warrior

Again provide logs with factual data not a forum post that’s again based on, “lul I did it bro I swear here’s a SS.”

I’ll wait.

news flash at 11

they’re in the thread…

I’ve not fully ever understood that incredibly rushed mentality for raiding. Other than competing for top spots, the rush just isn’t needed.

It’s not like PvP in which your gear can indicate how much fun you have if you’re going up against massively more geared players.

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Still provided no logs. Perhaps you dont actually understand what a raid log is?

If that’s the case it takes everything you’ve ever claimed and throws it into the dumpster.

newly ignored

Well then, this has formally completed any doubts in any readers main. This paladin has announced his defeat as there is no formal evidence.

It’s probably people getting chewed out by wives for playing too much.

The data doesn’t exist anymore. PS raid logging dumps apparently after a short time, at least that is what the websites say.

You can still open the majority of them and read then however. I understand the limited data set however it doesnt change the premise of this arguement.

We need to formally educate all players in their classes to improve the community. Mr. “I did it I swear” has never ince given valid data nor attempted to that’s the point.

Literally anything with enough gear and skill is viable in vanilla wow that’s bottom line. We dont need to line to the community as well with false information, do you have any idea how many people visit class discord with loads of wrong information they learned from “experts”?

It’s so harmful.

900 dps is still far in excess of ret? If it’s okay for a retnub to do 300 dps then it’s still preferential to have a gimped warrior doing 700+

Also, I’m talking arms/fury “hybrid.” It’s still arms because it’s still mostly arms tree. No MS.

How much is that one debuff slot that MS takes up worth anyways?

Doesn’t matter, the arms spec that would NF doesn’t use MS, but it really just depends. There’s no priority, so it would takeup something randomly. If it takes up the ignite spot, you nerf mages hugely.

you would get immediately kicked from your raid/guild if you put up MS in a 40man raid

it’s called 2H Fury - not lol Arms - and you’re gimping your DPS if u have the Fury Warrior swing Nightfall