Ret paladin viability

It seems like most people in this thread want to play Burning Crusade not vanilla.

The higher DPS is not as big as you’re making it out to, especially considering that hybrids all have utility to make things easier and even as is in 1.12 can meet every DPS requirement in the game in raiding.

There is also PvP to consider. Ret Paladins that do 70% the DPS of a Rogue or Fury Warrior would be hilariously broken with their utility.

Hey, I would rather be playing Burning Crusade than any other point in WoW’s history.

This is a reason why I want dedicated Burning Crusade servers, not bits of BC stuck into Classic servers, because if they stick bits of BC into Classic servers, there’s no reason for them not to go on and stick in bits of WotLK (like that damn dungeon queue!), bits of Cataclysm, bits of Mop (“no one really wanted the old talent system back,” says Ion), whatever bits of BF-****ing-A Brack thinks we want, but we don’t.

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I’d be all over a TBC server also, I played on Feenix from its launch till it shutdown and had multiple 70s.

Kinda wish they would offer standalone servers for each xpac.

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according to the internets, they do.

Heh - the video posted earlier of the person you are arguing with would seem to indicate that they are not, n fact, garbage - especially in PVP.

Impressive vid Archenon.

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akaidian considers anything that isn’t wrath balance or beyond for paladins to be garbage. he basically wants classic wow to have all the tools classes had in classic ,but with wrath balance, which would be horrible for pures.

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I remember being incredibly frustrated on my rogue because we were being outdone/matched by Feral droods, was incredibly annoying.

rogues spent half of wrath getting buffed…

¯_(ツ)_/¯ Don’t have the memory to go over it point by point, I just remember competing with a feral druid (Blake) intensely and going back and forth on who won depending on the fight.

I spent a good chunk of Wrath on my druid tanking.

Then that feral druid was a damn good player. Getting the most out of my rogue on alt ToTC farming wasn’t hard except when I got lumbered solo interupting the holy pally or in a fight that heavily favored other classes like jaraxus for the mages etc.

Wrath feral was literally the most complex and finicky spec ever to have existed in the history of WoW. it was also the least forgiving.

Damn 350 replies insane, what is the cap?

there is no cap anymore as far as i can see.

It depends on how many holy paladins you have. You want 4 Paladins for blessings of light/salv/wisdom(or might)/kings.

Not every guild can get 4 reliable Holy Paladins.

ret pallies will be the best solo levelers/pvpers just like they should be…but needing in raiding they will not be. 40mans might take 2 rets at most

blessing of sanc?

That’s really just for tanks and tanks don’t get salv. So still only need 4.

My memory of it is damn hazy but I’d want to say it increases block value and maybe reflects some holy damage?

EDIT: reduces damage taken by a flat amount per hit and reflects holy damage, I wasn’t far wrong.

That’s pretty deep prot so you’d have to bring a tankadin or someone willing to spec weirdly just for the blessing.

You could go 30/21/0 for imp conc aura while still picking up most of your main holy talents. You’re only going to lose the ret talents which don’t really seem to impact your healing.

But I don’t know enough about classic healing to say either way whether it’s worth it or not.