Ret paladin viability
Theloras 05/27/2017
^note how his Consecration damage increases from 71 dmg with 1 JotC to 105 with 2 JotC debuffs up^

1xJotC = 60-71 cons dmg range for everyone
2xJotC = 83-104 cons dmg range for everyone

Wiping at 85% doesn’t seem very promising. And were they only using 2 ranks of JotC? Why not all 6?

Are you THE Theoloras from n0st?

i think they didn’t realize what was happening to be perfectly honest - it was the PTR after all and I think they were just narrow focusing on ZOMG Crusader Strike!!!

the one and only because…


Exactly, the math only ever supports that the JotCs were stacking.

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tell that to all my haters and trolls who tried to get me banned and accused me of abusing game mechanics back on elysium when they nerfed it…

What’s done is done and won’t be undone. Sadly, unless we have proof and not just evidence of it working like that on live servers should stacking not work in classic there would be no leg to stand on trying to fix it. As for those trolls and haters, advocates in all walks of life tend to be abused simply because they are going against the status quo.

the irony though is that the ringleader for that particular effort against me (Imbaslap) was banned along with his brother and the rest of their guild for bug abuse back on Nost lol

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People who have it against paladin should play horde. They’d get an actual chance to kill us and wouldn’t have to worry their little hearts out on how to keep another class as useless as can be.

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So this spell power ret paladin is actually pretty nuts, Who would have thought Manuel crowd pummeled would be as powerful for ret as it is for Druid.

-Sinclaire -Torch-


stay tuned for more info :slight_smile:

Paladins we’re fun to level. I’ll be rolling ret, and I’ll run with those who’ll have me.


Definitely will run with you here.

I played 2 handed shockadin back in the day, was a fun build 31/0/20. I will most likely do the same this time around with some 19/32/0 or 25/26/0 thrown in.

Question: Does anyone recall if a faster 2h will do more damage than a slower 1h when using Seal of Righteousness? I cannot remember. As far as i can recall, seal of righteousness gave a base amount of damage higher with 2h weapons.

My end game goals are gonna be the dungeon sets, I’m not the biggest fan of raiding. Do people usually make room in 5 mans for Ret paladins? Or are they pushed aside?

Depends on the people. I had no problem grabbing a ret so long as they didn’t go full ret-ard

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There is speculation on how it scaled by the end of vanilla, but the base damage indeed scaled on weapon speed.

World first guilds used ret pallies…

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i played one as my main and they are fun as good pvp can solo decently but you will be BACKUP HEALER/ BUFFERIN RAIDS IN CLOTH GEAR .