Is there ever a situation in which it would be beneficial to press Shield of the Righteous (SotR) as Ret? Is it possible to create a “meme” 1H + Shield Ret spec using SotR just for fun in TWW?
That’s a no from me dawg
You actually can.
You’ll forfeit being able to use BoJ and DS and you’ll have to take justicar vengeance for your st spender but you can meme it.
I don’t even have it on my bar.
If only ret had something like 2-hand/sheild…
That sounds so scuffed. I love it. Thank you!
EDIT: Just solo’d Zekvir on ? mode using this meme “P-Ret” build. Did 612k dps (with only a 564 explorer 1H wep mind you) so it’s definitely serviceable, though far behind an actual ret spec. I just love the idea of going against the grain, so I will see how far I can push this meme to its limits.
Thank you again for suggesting Justicar’s Vengeance! I had no idea it did not require a 2H wep to use, which makes it a great ST spending while keeping SotR as an AoE spender.
I’m sold. Going to try it tonight
Would be nice if they would let BoJ able to be used with a 1hander.
It wouldn’t even make this a thing but hey, like I said, it’s a meme.
It really would help with holy power generation if BoJ could be used with this meme build! It sucks getting reset procs and having it light up but with no way to click it (sans swapping for a 2H mid-combat but that defeats the purpose of the build).
I queued up an LFR run with this “P-Ret” spec and managed to maintain a consistent 1st, 2nd, or 3rd on the dps meters Mind you, it’s LFR, so not a high bar by any means, but I found it incredibly amusing to play.
Especially in hectic AoE trash runs, SotR actually feels fun to press because it is off the GCD and your holy power generation is plentiful in those situations. I also took the talent that makes Justicar’s Vengeance cleave onto nearby targets as a proc (since there’s no DS) and that was interesting to play around.
At the very least, this has been a pleasant experiment which has encouraged me to play with talents I’ve never touched before! Genuinely, in what other circumstance would I ever spec into Justicar’s Vengeance? I’ll keep this spec in my back pocket to troll my guild on farm bosses
You should probably use Templar Strike with this as well, if you didn’t already.
Yeah I am using Templar Strike for the added holy power generation. Plus it does really good dps and cleaves alongside judgement when talented for extra AoE dmg.
As for hero talents, I’m also running Herald of the Sun over Templar to take advantage of the passive damage from Dawnlight and the plentiful Divine Purpose procs to mitigate the holy power issue. Additionally, the free procs of Hammer of Wrath help fill in gaps as well.
Honestly, there weren’t many moments where I did not have a button to press, which was surprising to me.
This is awesome. I love hearing about goofball stuff like this. Well done, OP.
I played sword and board ret to be silly in lower keys DF S2 and it was a blast. Absolutely confused people, but it was great still topping the damage since I was overgeared.
Seems like a project one could do in their spare time and/or on an alt.