Ret paladin LF Friday/Saturday raid

Hello, I’m returning to WoW for the end of 9.0.5 and onward for raid and high keys. Looking for a guild to participate in this with.

I am transferring from Alliance to Horde so I would like to have a community to have by the time I get there.

I’ve been raiding since LK only taking breaks in WoD and beginning of SL due to personal matters. I am very improvement minded, I always wish to be the best that I can be in any content that I do for myself and the group that I am with. I prefer to be serious during prog however I think a balance of fun and focus is important for any raid group, and I would like to have a group that believes the same.

Raiding is definitely my focus, I prefer to have a group that’s AOTC minded with a bit of mythic prog, but I also very much enjoy M+ and would like to have a group that does keys outside of raid as well. I also pvp on the side but that isn’t a deal breaker guild wise.

I am specifically looking to raid on Fridays and Saturdays, anywhere from 7PM EST to 1AM EST at the latest. Having a 3rd day is ok, however the third day has to be on either Monday or Tuesday due to my schedule.

I can also flex Holy/Prot, however I greately prefer to play Ret and I’m comfortable enough with prot to off tank. I don’t have a ton of experience with Holy at least in a raid environment however if it’s interesting enough to any of you I will gladly give it some practice just to have in my back pocket (I love all 3 specs so this isn’t an issue).

If interested, please DM me on Discord at Nekowaifu#9999 or message me on battlenet at Nekowaifu#1587! I hope to speak to some of you guys soon!