when you have 10 stacked in raid like the crazy speed kills a staggering amount of the entire raids dmg is just npc’s actually
Oh dang hand of protection was on cooldown?
you can’t save people from an unexpected patchwerk one shot with bop. warlock was in melee range for his immo aura and insta’d. I know how to use basic utility spells.
I’m telling you man, don’t feed the trolls. Just mute these people and move on
It’s actually worse than it appears because the number of good guilds bringing Sub Rogues and Frost Mages is significantly fewer than the number of good guilds bringing Ret Paladins. The average kill times for Frost Mages and Sub Rogues is going to be a lot higher at all percentiles.
There’s only 336 Sub Rogue parses on Patchwerk in the last two weeks. If you saw one of these top Rogues or Mages go Sub/Frost for a single Patchwerk kill, their DPS would eclipse the top Ret DPS parses.
hey it’s a free bump man I’ll take what I can get
“You have no idea how bad things really are.”
Lol the ret tears are hilarious. I don’t see any “buff warriors” threads and you guys are literally out performing us lol. I rolled warrior knowing we’d suck, and I’m fine with it. Your time will come just like warriors. Stop crying.
Warriors are getting a decent indirect buff with the ilvl increase I guess you didn’t read my post.
Sorry pinkydink
embrace the demon you were meant to be
Srsly. This is all what it boils down to.
That said, any raid leader that takes in 0 rets, in all phases, is probably a raid not worth joining anyways because more than likely hes tunnelvisioning dps logs while neglecting to bring all raid buffs and utility.
Did they confirm the ilvl increase?
You’d have a point, if Ret brought some unique utility. Our major single target cooldowns and blessings are brought by yhe Prot and Holy Paladins you’ll already bring. Including Divine Sacrifice, which Ret needs to lose even more damage to pick up. The raid buffs we provide are brought by other specs of Paladin or by other classes that all deal higher damage.
Ret’s primary role as a spec is damage dealing and we are currently in a very poor state to do that.
Yes, in a recent article. Ulduar 10, 25, and the HM are getting ilvl buffs.
You picked a class/spec knowing beforehand it wouldn’t really shine until Phase 3-4. People playing warrior DPS in phase 1 did so knowing they wouldn’t start to pick up until later phases. Same thing with feral druids. If your guild won’t take you then it sounds like you may need to find a new guild. Being #6 in the world and all you should find it easy.
This is the 3rd classic iteration. If they didn’t make any balance changes to Vanilla or in TBC, why do you think they’ll do so now? Please don’t tell me “Because they said they would”
So why are warriors getting a buff because of the ilvl increase but ret pallies arent?
I didn’t bring up the ilvl increase being an indirect buff for Warriors, but if I had to haphazard a guess, I’d assume it is because Warriors tend to scale with gear better than most. Someone that knows Warriors can probably give you a better answer.
Compared to Ret, which will see a relative damage decrease in Ulduar, because we don’t scale that well with anything but Strength. And because we actually lose several things that help keep up our already meager dps. Exorcism won’t auto crit on enemies in Ulduar the way it does in Naxx, we won’t be able to use Holy Wrath at all, and Glyph of Sense Undead being invalid there will reduce our damage by a flat 1%.
Ret damage is already near the bottom and it’ll be even lower in phase 2.
Good think 35% of ppl picked human paladin as their WOTLK character
Man, these comments are so bizarre and it’s plainly obvious many of you didn’t bother to read much of the OP and supporting commentary. Few, if any of the Ret Paladins posting indicated they chose their spec because it was FoTM in pre-patch and now they’re “sad”. If anything, it seems like they’ve been Ret since classic Vanilla or TBCC.
I don’t understand why people have such strong opinions on a class or spec they don’t play. Buffing a singular, poorly performing spec is not going to have this wave of negative repercussions that some of you think it will. As a shadow priest main, no I’m not going to “want in on the action” because my spec, while middle of the road in raw output, performs outstandingly on many current fights. It isn’t balanced around a set bonus we won’t receive for 3 more tiers.
Support your fellow players. Don’t be such insufferable trolls.
Chiming in my support. I don’t expect anything to come of it but may as well voice my support.
It feels really bad to be one of my guilds best parsers but still be on the lower half of damage dealt to bosses.
I wonder if it would be possible to reimplement seal of blood or if it would even fix anything? My memory is foggy at best but I think I remember seal of blood still being used up until it was removed in 3.2 (which should be when ToGC launches and ret gets their 2 set and better itemized gear and is able to support it’s own dps w/o blood)
It really won’t. Like you mentioned I mained ret even in TBC and have almost unfortunately stuck with it, however that is not the case for a lot of longtime ret mains.
Buffing ret to do a little more damage to not be worse than literal pvp specs (frost mage, sub rogue) won’t change anything because a lot of rets felt forced to or were shamed into rerolling something els that actually does damage. A lot of high end guilds just do not run rets right now.