Ret paladin comps

Any other decent comps for rets other than ret/war or ret/hunter?

The only option is ret/war. For every ret/war team that is formed, it brings Remi that much closer to a full blown Britney Spears level mental breakdown. I’m really interested in seeing that. Please do your part.


Ret/demo is your other option, but that’s it pretty much. You just synergize too well with another class that has Ms and needs help being kept alive.

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Wasnt ret rogue/ret boomy a thing at some point?

Ret demo, ret Destro, ret Boomie, ret ww.

Honestly probably ret rogue isn’t terrible either just harder than people care to play.

Ret rogue used to be a thing, now rogue doesn’t need help being kept alive anymore rogue has better options. Ret boomy don’t get why that would be a good comp no ms

Disgusting damage and stupid control. Boomkin can’t die and the ret makes it so no sniff of a setup can even touch them while the boomkin with a brain cell getting clones off controls enough for the rets nuclear damage to pop.

Ah that makes sense ty. I guess there was a time when ret had big scary burst and that was a win condition

It still does and from 30 yards but it’s also an insane enabler spec.

Ret fits well into a lot of things and since Boomkin is the strongest caster with good control this expansion it’s filling the role of Destro/ret that previously existed, I think.

MS isnt actually required when you can let the spirit of the forest gods inhabit your body and turn your spells into thermonuclear weapons every 2 minutes. Also ret still does insane damage and turns every teammate into a raid boss.


Thanks. My friend plays assa rogue and warlock so this helps.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: