Hello everyone,
I was lucky enough to win a Blade of Hanna in MC this week, and I’ve been playing around with it a lot.
I wanted to post here to get some ideas for how to effectively use this weapon in pvp and casual-fun raids/dungeons.
To start, in practice, I find Command to be about 50-60 dps higher, on average, with Blade of Hanna, at 142 spell power, 200 strength, and 14.5% crit - no consumables with imp SoR.
At this point I think that SoR is only better if you are using full proc consumables and MCP’s.
I’m not finding the “SoR to be better dps on weapons below 3.5 Speed” to be true at all in practice.
For pvp, the more bursty nature of Command tends to also work better.
At this point, I’m not seeing much of a reason to go for a SoR Spellpower>Crit>Str>Agi build with this weapon over a Crit>>>Str>Agi>Spellpower Build to maximize Vengeance up-time.
So far, Command > SoR using Blade of Hanna.
Please comment below any thoughts/ideas about ways you would utilize this weapon on a Ret Paladin.
When you say Blade of Hanna has your Command 50-60 DPS higher, what is the reference point?
Is it compared to your previous weapon? If so, what was the weapon? That’ll help establish a baseline comparison.
I mean Dps with Blade of Hanna is 50-60 higher when I use command vs when I use SoR - same weapon.
So if I use SoR with, improved SoR talent, my ST dps is around 170-190 using Blade of Hanna.
Same gear/spec using Command gets me 240-260 ST dps
In other words, command is out performing SoR.
I’m thinking it is due to getting crits on Command procs, but I expected command to be lower than SoR on a 2.1 speed wep.
Use the seal that provides the higher dps then?
Based on the stats the weapon provides it doesn’t really lend itself to either particular Seal, it doesn’t have particularly high base damage, nor does it provide and spell power etc.
Pretty sure if you go the SP route on a Paladin though you want to be going 31 points in Holy for Holy Shock. There really aren’t too many actual good dps talents deep in Ret, you basically end up spending ~20 points just so you can get 5 points in Vengeance.
Maybe a larger data pool might help, could be a couple of crits in there skewing the data.
Command procs 6 or 7 time a minute at 70% weapon damage. SoR flat damage at 2.1 weapon speed, about 25 - 28 hits per minute? At work and don’t have the numbers handy for a direct theoretical comparison.
He’s raiding as holy from what I can see.
Out in the world really doesn’t matter too much dude. What ever seal works for you. I’d just run with what works.
Here’s how you effectively pvp as a Paladin
- spec holy and heal a warrior
Here’s the thing about fast weapons and SoC. While yes, people find even with fast weapon, SoC provides a higher dps output. This is true in PvE. But PvP it’s an entirely different story. In PvE you can sit there and let yourself swing away and count up the damage over a period of time. In PvP you don’t get that. PvP is chaos and quick and bursty. Sustained DPS means nothing in PvP.
The way SoC works, each swing has a chance to proc command. Slow weapons have a higher chance to proc command per swing than fast weapons. So when you get those few precious swings off on that mage that’s giving you a run for your effort, you want the highest possible chance for a command proc per individual swing, meaning you want a slow weapon. What you will find in PvP is you will still get very few chances to swing at your target, and even fewer of those will be command procs because of the base speed of the weapon.
So I guess I am saying this is not a good weapon for PvP. The fact that it’s a purple weapon with a decent damage range and good stats is all that it has going for it. But it won’t be providing you with that essential bursty damage that is needed for PvP. If you have a lot of spellpower, maybe seal of righteousness would be better for it?
If you’re aiming to use Seal of Command you should pick up an OEB. They drop like candy in MC. You should end up with better numbers on that in the end. To be honest, I would’ve just sold Blade of Hanna if you were actively raiding as Ret.
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I agree for PvP as well. OEB is a significantly better option. Slower weapon=higher chance of command proc per swing. Also that damage range and 42 strength means some bursty hits you need. Blade of Hanna just seems like a hunter weapon.
Yeah, I raid as holy for sure, I was just curious if anyone had any insights into making this wep work for pvp/pve. I typically run a shockadin set up in pvp with command.
Sounds like a slow wep would be better, but this is what I have for now 
Keep that Ret dream alive!! haha
I like to do something like that for pvp. I usually wear a good chunk of T1/T2 though to give me alot of stats. Just an idea.
SoC is subject to partial resists against higher level mobs (ie: raid mobs/bosses) making it poop in PvE overall
Now that’s just straight up wrong.
For pvp and pve, use seal of righteousness because its a fast weapon and youre stacking spellpower
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Kill the priest that was trying to kill the warrior, then kill the warrior 
This is elementary trash-science being performed when so much more accurate, valuable, and in-depth information is already known.
Your title and context do not add up. You say you are dpsing, and suddenly you are holy? How are you going to benefit a ret Paladin that is REALLY pvping or dpsing With this shiz-show?
People could read this and really get into trouble. I would delete this and do Paladins a favor.
Of course SoC does more damage. If you are ACTUALLY ret you are benefitting from AP, SP, and crit, which is going to increase your damage via vengeance. What was the point of this?
What was the point of Necroing this thread?
If you are dpsing as ret you need to step your game up with wbuffs and consumes or you might as well just smack the boss with a healing weapon
A Spelladin build is a 30 point Ret Build. It has Vengeance and Sanctity Aura.
At only 142 spellpower your not judging Crusader. Crusader +Libram +talents is 191 Spellpower.
SoR is 10% SP coefficient on a 1 hander, and 12.5% on a 2 hander, with 50% on its Judgement. However you need a solid threshold of SP to make it work.
You also want +5% haste with a Blade of Hanna, 3% on weapon, 1% gloves, and 1% more on either legs or helm. That gives you 4 physical chances to proc vengeance within 8s.
Wizard Oil and Arcane Elixir are your consumes. You might want to buy a few, Judge Crusader, and give it a go on some mobs before you spend money on that DPS build…its not for everyone.