Ret or Warrior for TWW

Debating between my pally or warrior. Basically- Fury or Ret. Both are a lot of fun and have a fairly busy rotation. I primarily do m+. I generally tank, but enjoy dpsing as well. Having a tough time deciding.

Ret brings so much more to the table then warrior does.

Warriors are also dumb and chew on rocks.

Stay in the Light.


Ret feels a lot more thematic unless you run Mountain Thane Fury/Prot as a dwarf warrior.

Do you like pressing your utility buttons on allies or not? Because if youre gonna play ret and not use your kit to the max you may as well just play warrior if you vibe with it.


If you want to tank and dps then warrior. It seems so far prot warrior fair a bit better than prot pally in TWW beta and dps wise warrior have 2 spec for it both seems ok but arms is kind of meh atm fury seems really fun.

If you want to try all three roles than pally for you. Pally also have more flashly amination if that’s something you like.

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Ret then, IMO.

Much more utility.

If you want to raid Mythic, warrior probably has an easier time getting in group due to Rallying cry being a raid wide ability that can be used back to back if I recall.

So having a tank warrior doesn’t exclude you outright because you can still find a use for a 2nd RC.

Dk, Lock or Mage. Thats all that will be meta this EXP

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My 2 cents: go Warrior
Warrior to me has always just felt “right”. Love Arms and Prot, Fury I could take or leave tbh but you really can’t go wrong with the class in general. It plays like you would expect a plate clad juggernaut to play. The sounds and animation have a lot of heft to them and there’s nothing overly flashy like the lightshow Ret is, which personally I love. All the specs are quite good historically with Fury I think tends to come online a bit later than Arms as you get gear.
From an rp perspective I really don’t think Paladins fit anymore, at least not how they used to. The setting of modern WoW lacks the grit and darkness where a holy warrior-crusader archetype would work. Now they just look and feel kind of… silly. Back when the scourge was a real threat and you needed the anti undead specialist, then sure. But those days are long gone.



ret is nerfed to hell in tww

defensives are paper thin now
damage is low to mid range compared to all classes.



offers top 3 damage in the game oit of rdps or mdps

oh and sont be fooled by slayer, mountain thane is wheres its at, this is the real enh shaman.

super tanky due to all the passive and active heals
mortal strikes
great group utility

very easy to play, very little button bloat.
this class is probably the easiest class to play that will allow you to pvp and pve parse like a awc champion.

there hasnt been class with this much output ever.

i usually play ret and windwalker

im playing fury this go

there is no melee, none, that compares to fury as of 8/7 2024

to put this in persepctive, my 497 fury warrior out parses my live toons
518 ret
511 monk
505 havoc
503 frost/uhdk

ita not even close.

in beta, my fury is doing 850k - 970k ST damage and close 1.8 to 2 million aoe. sometimes more

im really shocked warriors remain untouched.

ret got nerfed again
all dks got the super nerfed. i dont think any dk is viable now.


Can you promise us all to post again when they do additional tuning and fury is nerfed? You also have no idea what the nerfs actually mean, dk is more than viable still, but you do you.

p.s. the few logs you have parse green. So forgive me if I call BS on your claim:

Critcake, one of the best warrior players, isn’t pulling sustained numbers like this, so you’re full of it. Fury is certainly near the top, and bursts hard, but you aren’t sustaining anywhere near that.

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  • You have 2 dps specs so if one gets boring you just switch,
  • You’re almost always solid and you scale hard with gear
  • You have a lot of movement with Charge and Heroic Leap (if you’re not using a @mouseover macro you’re leaping wrong)
  • You can use almost all weapons and that means you’ll unlock more weapon mogs in TWW quests (they only give what your class can use. Beta was a bug.)
  • Flexible look. 1 2h, 2 2h, 2 1h, whatever floats your boat. Wear any plate/cosmetic you want. Maybe it’s just me but I feel weird playing Pally while wearing normie/spikey/dark armour.
  • Better tier sets. Paladins stuff is all very Paladin.
  • Not very reliant on CDs
  • Much smoother. Even with the rage nerfs you can just keep going. No waiting for Crusader Strike because something didn’t proc.
  • All races.

Ret’s theme is too strong. A Warrior’s theme is whatever you want: Mercenary, bandit, berserker, disgruntled postal worker, a fallen Paladin, whatever you want.
A Paladin’s theme is Paladin. You summon big glowy hammers and swords, that takes some big suspension of disbelief to get around.

For now…

Fact is, basing any suggestion on numbers at this point is at best irresponsibly naive.

We won’t know where the chips will fall until like 2 month into the expac, no one knows which of the 2 will actually be tuned higher than the other.

In fact, if we were to take those parameters alone, would you have commented 2 weeks ago you would have said Ret instead.

Like, the lack of self-awareness is jarring.

All things that could have been said of Ret 2 weeks ago (arguably could still be said).

Could go south for warrior just as fast as it did for Ret and likely will.

This guys puts it best.


Pick Warrior.

I don’t need the extra competition. j/k :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

(Kind of :wink:)

Someone has to bring battle shout for us.

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warrior doesn’t have to manage power pips.

tww fury is the easiest class ever. to play with phenomenal returns

Honestly it has to be Paladin over Warrior as the Warrior hero talents are entirely boring both in design and theme.

Ret for giga cleave, Blessings, Auras,