I am convinced this has nothing to do with pallies being OP at all haha. I think MANY of you guys just Hate Pallies in general, and celebrate anything bad happening to that class haha!

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Yeah! Dumb Paladins!

If im not wrong, vindicar will continue hitting 150k+?

what’s weird is that i haven’t got 2400 yet on even my main classes i’ve always played yet i just hit 2400 on my ret and didn’t realize it got hit fixed. I thought it was just getting harder bc the MMR was going up but i did 2.2-2.4 after nerf. I guess it’s still good but before if i made it to the 2n wings i could hard swap healer and almost always kill in a HoJ / JV. Now that isn’t a LOL dead situation anymore. It’s still good except I have to actually be mindful of defensives now

Now the community can move onto complaining about the next thing because accountability has never existed in wow PvP, and certainly personal shortcomings are the fault of class balance and nothing more.

COOL, so long as you guys leave Rogues alone! Dey innocent and need Buffed.

How bout dem warlocks?

You obviously don’t know anything and are just another fotm idiot.

Maybe you guys are the problem?.. if someone wanders into the street not paying attention and gets hit the answer isn’t to ban cars it’s to not be stupid and walk into trafffic lol…

Yea you’re 100% clueless lmao…

mad cuz u cant 200k LB anymore as resto so you cry on a forum

says some goofball in a forum lmao

Youre definitely clueless, he didnt tell a lie. Ret is easily the best spec in the game after the nerfs. They still got a ways to go for nerfing them.

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Are you saying that “Ret paladins overwhelmingly suck, because all ret players are dumb”?

I meannnnn not all of y’all but apparently a lot lmao.

not enough, wings still too frequent, still tanky AF

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Yep, whoever thought 1 min wings was healthy for pvp, should be fired immediately…

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It’s the toxic utility that has no counterplay that is the worst tbh.

EDIT: The 1 minute Super goes are also pretty bad.

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