Ret mastery nerfed?

Yesterday I was at about 30% Ret mastery, and now I’m at 13.6%.

Anyone notice anything??? Am I going crazy???

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Idk how you were at 30% mastery I was fully kitted reforged/gemmed for it before I swapped crit for PVP and I had 14%

Well, we used to have 8% base to our mastery, and the math checks out. Since we have 2.1% per “point” (why is mastery made in such a convoluted way), adding 8% to what I have right now would get me to the 30% I had.


  1. Was it nerfed so that we no longer have 8% to our base?

  2. Or did we never have it and it was a tooltip visual error?

  3. Or do we STILL have it, and we NOW have a tooltip visual error???

I’m leaning towards #1. When trying some DPS on a dummy, I remember yesterday “Hand of Light” (our mastery) ranked much higher in my overall damage contribution than it seems to be doing today. (Today it’s the literal bottom, whereas it used to be around the middle, sometimes even higher.)

And, even still, I can’t be sure if it’s intended or not. Especially with how chaotic bugs have been lately…

Are you saying you have +3944 mastery stat from your gear? That’s the only way you’d have 22% mastery points +8% base to equal 30% as you claim. Even the P1 bis list for Ret pala lists 12% mastery points (roughly 2150 mastery stat from gear)

Don’t think so, I am still at the same as I was which is 19.5% which equals to 41% extra damage.

My friend suggested relogging, cuz that fixed his mastery on his other char, and indeed that worked.

No, some of you are misunderstanding.

Why does the post preview allow me to paste an imgur link and it shows my image, but then when I try to post, it says I can’t post links? What’s the point of showing the image properly in the preview? Lol.

Please clarify how I’m misunderstanding you. I am almost positive it’s your verbiage that is incorrect. When you say you had 30% mastery, are you referring to 30% damage that your mastery grants you, or are you referring to 30% mastery rating (base 8% + 22%)?

Because saying you had 30% mastery IMPLIES your mastery rating is at 30%, which is equivalent to 63% damage. Hence why everyone who’s replied is confused how you were at 30% mastery.

So if it’s literally impossible to have A, why would you not assume it’s B? Just a weird… decision being made there.

So when confronted with the fact that A is impossible, you accuse others of misunderstanding you and state that everyone should have known that you meant B or C or D the whole time? :roll_eyes:

~179 mastery = 1% of raw mastery for every class.

Each spec then has a multiplier on that raw %.

With ret being x2.1 so every 1% mastery is 2.1% flat added ret mastery.

So you can look at it as 85.2 mastery rating = 1% more holy dmg conversation added on top of the base 16.8%.

People get confused by that before/after spec conversion.

SpecRating --------- % ------------ Effective %
Ret ----- 179.28 -----------1% ---------------- 2.1%
Holy — 179.28 -----------1% ---------------- 1.5%
Prot ---- 179.28 -----------1% ---------------- 2.25%
Crit ----- 179.28 -----------1% ---------------- 1%