The nerf of mana regin from 6% to 1% should not of happened. Im literally ooming doing my rotation for an extended period of time as a dps class. i get it was suppose to be a nerf to hybrid healing classes but whats the point when i can’t even do damage. either some rotation abilities need restructuring to remove the mana cost.
I don’t understand how the OP is going oom as Ret, your abilities have mana costs I think but they are so minscule that your mana bar never moves unless you cast a flash of light.
True, was in a pug for 16+ Halls about 3 days ago and the healer went offline right before the frog boss… so we just pushed without him, thinking he’d come back.
We killed the trash and last 3 bosses but healing as ret was hard, i constantly went oom.
The DK was low ilvl but he was death strike spamming himself, so i only had to heal myself and the hunt along with the druid tank sometimes, he was also low ilvl 425.
We managed it, but sadly we went like 5-10 mins overtime… my mana barely regenerated and i didn’t have anything to drink between pulls, i’m carrying water with me now, just in case.
Would be nice to have a buff to it, something like 40% regen increase would be good(at least out of combat).
It’s hard to say a 40% Regen is needed on a class that doesn’t have mana issues when you’re playing as DPS or support. Your mana issues came from you main healing as DPS. While it sounds like you did well it doesn’t justify what’s admittedly rare.
It should at least regen faster out of combat, it’s just a qol to not have to carry to drink water between pulls.
It’s just 1% per second i think, it takes almost 2 mins to regen a bar… that is too long imo.
You’re right but again when most of our mana Regen comes from abilities and we regenerate far more than we burn(typically) it’s not much of a loss. Personally it would probably be more of a benefit to give us a stronger heal than fol and wog spam. Perhaps bring back holy light for retribution. I understand your idea for wanting mana but your chance of being in that situation again can’t be that high.
You underestimate pugs… had to solo the Halls ice boss, on a 16, a few days ago from 40%, since everyone died.
I was really strapped for mana near 5% hp, luckily beacon got a crit in because i barely had any mana left, was kiting like hell.
We have Selfless Healer + Word of Glory, they both cost 25k mana where we have 250k mana, so 10 of those(doesn’t matter which) and it’s gg.
The issue i see is that this is one of ret’s strengths, to offheal others, but it seems a bit limited.
Once the mana is gone, it’s 1 heal per 10 seconds, seems a bit rough as a hybrid, something like 6 seconds would be better, like the FoL cd for Selfless healer which heals something like 12% of our hp, it isn’t much, it’s limiting us to 10 seconds for 12% of our hp as a hybrid.
Oh I don’t underestimate anything. I ended up in a +8 with a healer in greens. I knew exactly what was going to happen and turned on prot aura and spent half my rotation and all my HP healing the tank. I get why you would want more but frankly we shouldn’t have to heal THAT much regardless of the keys. A spare heal here and there is great but it’s not entirely our job. You do seem to know your class well so I won’t take away from your accomplishments but adding more would just increase an expectation we really shouldn’t have placed on us. Our role is DPS.
Definitely… but i just enjoy carrying groups when the need arises, it feels good, that’s why i’d like the option to go beyond.
Some out of combat mana regen boost would be really nice imo, just a QoL change.
Nah, i like killing stuff as ret, i only ever play ret spec. xD
The only time i went holy was to get the book from the Mage Tower, so had to learn it a bit(same with all my alts which i only lvl’d)/place spells on the bar and make myself some macros for mouseover healing/cleanse.
Recorded and made a “how-to” for all the challenges, Holy one:
With Blizzard changes to discourage offhealing, I wouldn’t say this is correct. For two reasons:
1/ It is unsustainable mana wise
2/ The DPS loss is huge
I’d argue the absolute max you should be doing in terms of offhealing as a Ret is WoGing/LoHing the ocasional target that is close to dying. Anything else and it’s entering the counter-productive part.
Like a poster said before, if you want to full-time healer, Holy is probably a better option. Ret is not a healer.
Agreed. Overzealous WoGing on friendly targets is likely to snipe out a casted heal that your healer is already working on, wasting their cast time and your damage.
yes but no, you snip wog but you dont go full blown healing support. your support comes from blessings and most importantly from proper usage of blessing of sacrifice.
your a ret paladin, you have utility but you should never go full blown support because your losing a ton of damage and basically adding nothing of value to the group. BUT you should never completely ignore your utility infavor of pure dps because then your just not adding anything of value to your group. you as a player need to understand when your utility as a ret paladin is needed
Such is the way and has been with ret paladins since forever. I have no issue with throwing off heals but there’s a line to it is all I’m saying. This isn’t about LoH on a tank or healer or WOG on dps when the damage is high. If anyone has those abilities they should be willing to use them for the success of the group. Granted that their idea would probably see ret paladins represented in higher keys a bit more there’s a better way to go about it vs us being used as a higher dps healer. I’d like to see more healing options for us but not that far.