Ret + mage +?

Hey guys, was away from the game for quite a while. I have a dk which I run with a ww monk friend. Now I have two other friends who are ret and mage, and they want me to be their third.

Is ret+mage+healer even a good comp? If so, or if it’s even just okay/doable in 3v3, what healer class/spec would best compliment the team? We’re just old players returning to the game, not gladiators. We love pvp and been doing arenas since WOTLK, but these days we don’t have as much free time as before. We’re doing it mostly to have fun, but we also want to win of course.

Any tips/insights on ret/mage/x comp would be appreciated!

PS: I’m asking here on the paladin forums, as I feel like mages are more abundant and easier to pair with different comps? So would love to know more info from the perspective of rets themselves

Haven’t played it this xpac but have played it past xpacs. ret/arcane/hpally and ret/arcane/rdruid is the variations I’ve run in the past.

You essentially play it like a much more tankier rmp but you’re more reliant on your healer to help get CC setups on off targets rather than the rogue covering for your mage to get polys off. This allows you to HoJ kill target while say your rdruid goes for bash on healer into poly or clone while the 3rd target gets poly or clone, whichever doesn’t land on the healer, then rotate the DRs on those off targets.

You can also run Blinding Light to help get longer CC chains on healer/cast or if you face melee cleave teams you can double blinding light the melee and HoJ the healer and hard swap to them allowing easier time for your mage/healer to get CC on the melee.

Esp during this meta, a ret’s defensive utility through sanc/sac/freedom can help your teamates survive this bursty and aggressive meta. Like being able to freedom your healer out of root+beam combo instead of them using trinket in order to pop defensives to react to boomkin burst.

EDIT: As for what healer would work in this meta I’d imagine it’d be priest, seeing as they’re one of the stronger healer atm adding onto the amount of aggression they provide with mindgames/dark arc as well as mass dispel in order to beat other ret teams you’re facing.

EDIT2: correction in healer comp, was hpally not disc I’ve played with in the past

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On a side not on top of my edit, I wouldn’t try and switch to an entirely new healer unless you really like it or really wanted to go hardcore push (which it seems from your OP you don’t much care too much for). Just go with whatever healer your like and make it work. Most important thing is to have that synergy between the players and a positive mindset.

I’m open to playing disc or druid. I don’t enjoy shaman much, it’s more of a me issue rather than the class.

Now with the info you gave, I’m debating between priest and druid lol

Follow your heart.