Ret lost the most in awc today, cancel the ret nerfs. nerf demo and fmage instead

Yep, but it applies to both regular pet and Grimoire. The isolated strikes are part of what makes it so difficult to recover Demo damage.

You effectively either take more damage when running away or cleave MS to your team.

Nerf demo and f mage too.

Mages are too evasive when you couple all their cc and mobility. Knockback/roots should be nerfed. No need to make them more vulnerable to hunters.


Was MM banned for the tourney? Whats the bug?

Erm, actually :nerd_face:

:nerd_face: :nerd_face:

Inb4 I am somehow misunderstanding it

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Instead of cancelling the nerfs, they should add a TV nerf on top of the nerfs, thoughts?

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Not banned just bugged. I’ll link^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

Here is a screenshot from my 3s as MM earliar to see if I could play a round unbugged. Look at what 27 aim shots did. A lot of cringe 11-18k aimshots thudding into that feral

Execution Sentence, which most of the rets were using, is also bugged and doing little to no damage currently because of a hotfix blizzard pushed so that probably skewed the AWC stuff. Losing around 70% of damage from Execution Sentence is a big deal from what I’ve read.


Interesting, because people only come with this kind of argument when Rets are losing, when Rets were winning there were dozens of threads about the AWC saying: “omg Rets are op, nerf” “only Ret can beat Ret, nerf” “Rets need a nerf”. Why nobody came and said: “AWC is complete different from ladder, you can’t balance around awc…”?


Because they’re not balancing ret around AWC. They’re balancing it around every PvP bracket in both unrated and rated PvP, at all skill levels

Yeah and some specs didn’t get played at all. I’m sure you haven’t realized yet but ret paladin has removed a lot of specs from the meta.

Example unholy dk. Can’t play rn because i cant be near a ret and wake completely shuts down my damage and its a 30s cd compared to 45-1m bang.

Where did all the ele/sp go? Are they bad? No judgement of the pure and 1m wings invalidates them.

@devs if wake is gonna be a low CD big hit lets disable the roleplay aspect of it in arena


That’s called a counter my guy just like how dks have abilities to counter casters well. Idk if you’re new to wow or pvp but counters exist, wake of ashes isn’t stopping you from beating Rets lol, and fyi Wake of ashes was a tad longer cd before but it’s cd could also be reset…

Judgment of the pure got made useless they can play now.

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I know bugs are part of the game, but it’s really unfortunate that AWC competitors are either prevented from playing the spec they want to use or they discover during actual matches that something is wrong.

Also, nerf frost mages, unless the design goal actually is to hard counter melee specs.

That’s cute. Grats on your first 2.4 in shuffle, on a rerolled ret pala…enjoy it while it lasts


Don’t claim 2.4 did it for the cosmetics not everyone is obsessed with rating like some of you clowns. Hit 2.1/2.2 in arenas when they were dog sht but I’m sure you’ll find an excuse for that , Solo shuffle just came to be this expansion slow poke nice try tho. If you’re going to be a detective and google my toons ( cause it’s just that deep for you ) you could’ve done better cause you can clearly see my ret was made at the beginning of the xpac and I have 4 other Rets made from past expansions. Idk if you’re just slow or what but that’s not what “fotm reroll “ is.

Get my nuts out ur mouth and get ur facts right trash can. You didn’t have any actual sht to say to back up your claim so you went to class /rating shaming and still ended up looking stupid n wrong. unh dk main QQing about ret is hilarious an now your spec is about to be S tier, hopefully they nerf unh to sht after the tears come out.

I’ll enjoy ret the same way I have been since WOTLK thanks for your concern bozo.


think it takes a serious head dent to think ret paladin just “counters” things right now.

i said “in shuffle” because it’s infinitely easier than reg arenas

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Love the tears.


love the constant delusion on these forums 24/7


someone has to win and lose these matches. doesn’t necessarily mean something is op or not.

Hardcounters dont have to be a strict rock paper scissors.

1m wings means ret out cleaves any cleave

Judge/wake invalidates unholy dk because its such a short CD

They’re getting nerfed for a reason and the fotm crowd is gonna have to learn something new

Love the tears, as they say.

I’m only seeing Shadowlands with a handful of games in BFA.

The self dispel spam really is quite obnoxious.