Ret LF Home Guild

425 Returning Ret LF chill guild for current and future patches, i have raid exp from wrath to current am able to follow directions, and quick to learn. some of the things im looking for are, full heroic and norm clears would also like to dip into mythic, and a group who likes to run m+, my goal next season is at least AotC and m+ portals im not opposed to a realm transfer

i am actively gearing going for 440 by end of next week at least

Hiya, we are currently forming a second roster in our guild Never Raid Sober.
Located on Area 52
The raid group is planning to run Mon/Tues 9pm to midnight Eastern time.
Our first group finished abberus 7/9 mythic, we have alot of experience in the guild dating back to vanilla.
Tanks: Close
Healers: Need MW,resto druid, resto shaman, presvoker
DPS: open for all
If you are an able raider looking for a new home, willing to show up on time and eager to delve and push for cutting edge in 10.2 and beyond please feel free to apply.

We have a very chill guild culture, we love to have fun run M+s as guild groups and generally have a good time. When it comes to raiding we like to focus up and kill some bosses.

Please note this will be a second group forming within the guild, our first group currently has a full roster and we are looking to expand to having 2 raid groups to push content.

Please contact @Tanatithe#1976 (btag) or tanatithe on discord.
Feel free to inquire with questions and/or your interest in raiding.
Currently recruiting all classes/roles for this group, trying to pump up a full roster before release of the season 3 raid!

Hello there! Wipes to Rats is a raiding guild on Area 52. We’re a rebuilding guild that has played together since the beginning of Shadowlands. We have achieved multiple AOTCs and are looking for more!

About Us

We’re a highly active and social raiding guild on Area 52. We pride ourselves on building our community around like minded people who are here to have fun, and push content at at steady pace. Our first focus every tier is to get AOTC as a guild, for our members to get KSM and KSH. Later in the season we typically like to dabble in mythic, but as of now CE is not our goal.

Outside of endgame content we have mog/mount runs, some PVP groups, and are highly active in discord as we play other games together, and post memes and hang out in discord.

Raid times are Sat/Mon 8:30-11:30pm EST

What We’re Looking For

We’re primarily looking for like minded people who want to push content, who are competent, patient, and willing to learn. We accept new players and new raiders and are willing to teach you the ropes in a low stress environment. We don’t believe in yelling or screaming at our members. We will coach as requested/required.

Our biggest ask in recruitment is you come to enjoy the game, have fun, and be a team player.

Roles we’re looking for

Tanks: No raid tanks currently needed, however we always are on the lookout for off tanks for m+ and those who can swing in for raid if needed

Healers: Currently seeking a holy and/or disc priest, any other healer is also currently welcome

DPS: Any roles/specs are currently open.


All new members of the guild will trial with us for 2 weeks. This is mainly to make sure everyone gets along and vibes well. You can trial cross-realm but after your trial you’ll be expected to transfer to our realm if at all possible.

To join or ask any questions you may:

join our discord: EX9JPvF9jR

Add one of our officers:

Discord: purple_86
Bnet: Purple86#1959

Discord: makoma
Bnet: MAKATTACK#1886

If you would like to chat hit me up on discord

discord- rainess

New Recruitment Post - [A] <Ante Meridiem> AOTC Wed/Thurs 7-10pm EST

Looking for new players to fill out our raiding team. Currently we are working towards AOTC looking for more for next raid tier
We are in need of the following.

R-DPS- Warlock/Shammy/Boomkin/Mage/Priest/Hunter/Evoker

M-DPS- Warrior/Rogue/Shammy/Monk/Demon hunter/Death knight/Pally/Feral

Heals- Full atm but maybe in the future “If you can play an OS hit me up”

Tanks- Full atm but maybe in the future “If you can play an OS hit me up”

Any and all classes/specs are welcome!

We will be raiding tues/thur 7:45-10:45pm cst time with a 5-10min break around halfway through raid night

"Feel free to add any of the officers or join our wow community to chat or for more info Chetaria#11739

Hey Holywinter come check out Circus of Shame

Hello Holywinter.

I am the main officer of Bier Roulette-Dalaran we are a casual but skilled raiding guild that pushes high end Mythic plus keys. We raid normal/heroic and always hit AOTC for the past 2 expansions. Our raid times are Tuesday/Sunday 8pm-11pm EST. Here is a link to our recruitment forum; (H/A) {US-Dalaran} Bier Roulette Tues/Sun AOTC Raid times-8pm-11pm EST.

If you have any questions or interested please message me Bnet: Upyers#1313 or in game HolyChad