Hi! I am a 27-year-old law student who has been playing WoW since 2008. Since then, I have mostly just pugged my way to AOTC each patch before turning to other things on a range of classes and specs. Now, I’m looking to find a steady team for Heroic that is also making a run at some mythic bosses.
My ilvl as of 1/24 is 472, and I main Retribution. I can play Holy and have more experience with it, but I am looking for a Ret spot. I have recently started building out some logs from my pugs in Amirdrassil, though my current ilvl means my parses are not extraordinary (mostly greens). That being said, my parse for ilvl results are consistently blue and purple. My sense is that I am consistently performing well above average for my ilvl. I am also an avid M+er.
I have played on a wide range of characters over the years, and did not learn bout logging until Legion. But you can find some old logs of mine that are a better indication of my abilities as Holy in Legion for ToS and Antorus (when my character was called “Holysharrp”) or on my Ele Sham “Steezjohnson” in Castle Nathria.
I’m in CA and need raids to start at earliest 7:30pm my time, and I am available Sunday–Thursday.
Ping me on Discord (dannyplayswow) if you think I’m a fit. Cheers!