Ret is ruining this game

Odd to me that Wheneve I look at ur posts its all just anger but not once any reasonable balance request. Just 3rd grade insults and sass?? So why do you think posting like this will help at all unless ur a troll in which case bravo

It starts with balance suggestions, look harder. There are just too many Ret’s in denial of their power that say “We are fine now” contrary to all the evidence provided. So the conversation devolves into what you see now.

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Ok so then I ask you what reasonable nerfs are you looking for??
Since I play all specs for all my 4 classes just wondering exactly.

Legit, worst crapshow of an effort of balancing in all of WoW history. Worse than S5 DK… by a freakin landslide. Unreal anyone can defend the state of rets compared to the rest of the specs. Braindead NA players. SMH.

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I think the following would help. Having too many buttons each go to save their team, on top of the 20 yard range now which takes away a lot of kiting counter play, and then the immunities, and then LoH…

It’s mind blowing…

You simply don’t know WoW history well then.

Ret’s divine toll first week of SL was way more OP. And that is the closest example.

Only a crackhead could think of these

BoSanct and BoSac replacing each other? Why play sac then?

10 yard FV? Lets just revert to 10.0.5 then, since it is the mobility substitute blizz did for the rework

Bop nerfing damage? Oh yeah countless tears of RSS teammates that almost scored the kill, but got griefed by bad ret. Good suggestion.

Bubble damage? No one cares. I can’t remember the last time i used it offencively.

You right, I didn’t play that craphole of an xpac. My apologies. Outside SL, which was a turd across the board, never been more broken.

They really aren’t though. Season 5 DK was way worse. Perhaps Ret on 10.7 launch day was up there, but after several nerfs they are not even close to as powerful.

Don’t get me wrong, Ret deserves and will get further nerfs. However, let’s not be hyperbolic. That just muddies the conversation.

There were Ret’s at 3k+ in 10.0.5…

Bfa s1. Stacking 3 perks of avenger’s might on azerite pieces.

Execution sentence > wake of ashes. 2globaling people.

How many more addons you haven’t played? Mr excuse

Yeah. Most of them pushed rating with decree hitting 250k on 340 k hp pools pre nerf.

The arguments are all hyperbolic. They know Ret’s are dumb OP… I think they’re arguing because they think Blizzard will skim through and see a bunch of Pink characters defending and be easy on the nerfs?

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Yeah. Most mages got there pre 10.0.7

Assa rogues, DH did for sure.
Woooow, meta shifts!

I agree, current Ret might be comparable to week 1 DH. I still think they’re stronger… So do most non Ret’s it seems.

I just wish blizzard was faster to balance them, like they did with DH’s

Current ret? Nope.
Day 1 rework ret - sure. But, to be honest, day 1 was a god.

So im fine with damage being nerfed by 30-50% for divine shield shouldnt have ever been removed to begin with.

Sac just transfers the damage however I do think it shouldnt be paired with Divine shield unless its a Hpally(they struggle). My thought is it should be unusable while in Divine Shield at the bare minimum if we are being reasonable just not forbearance.

BoP Im hit or miss since it shares CD with Spellward an is dispelled fairly ez.

Sanc is another weird one for me but for en entirely separate reason in that ret has 10 total pvp talents an Sanc is forced/mandatory seeing as mostly 8 of the other pvp talents are god awful choices.

The ranged argument this one is entirely on Blizzard if only because paladins were fine with damage but their gap close was straight dirt. Every other single melee has a charge leap or teleport or Deathgrip(worst offender period).
Blizzard didnt want paladins to be mobile yet knew they needed it. So range was their out.

Look at Drustvar. This is far beyond a meta shift. This is a meta-trip-into-the-crapper. Just look. Stats like that can’t be reasonably argued. If you like WoW arena, that last thing you should want is a mass exodus of diversity. Ret and Arms being 45% of ALL dps is just insane. Add demo and it is 65%+. 3 specs? That is laughable at best borderline ineptitude by the balance team. End of story. Enjoy your rating I guess…it comes at the cost of the overall PvP experience for the rest of us. Short-sighted and small-minded imo…


Do you though? Doesn’t seem you do.

Fine with me, there was an equal amount of ret paladins to frost mages then. :dracthyr_love_animated:

Wanna know what got nerfed this patch? Frost mages.

Plenty of people seem to.

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