Ret Fillers > Finishers

Blizzard I know that before 10.0.7 our BoJ and CS were a drop in the ocean of our mighty damage meater, but it is not funy anymore.
Why BoJ deals more damage, than verdict in st and more than divine storm in aoe?
It is the reason why templar strikes did not see play. We just have no reason to press this poor little strikes when you can press 2 GIGACHAD blades.
And now on beta TS deals 1.5 damage of verdict without mention 50% extra dot effect.
And you will force us to play with new huge TS and 2 BoJ. We dont have time to press HoW in st, it’s more important to get value from overpowerd fillers, than making good gameplay flow, wich were before this genius rework. Rotation is so clumsy. I see what developers trying to do, but they do it in wrong way.

Dear ret designer,

  1. Nerf BoJ
  2. Rework TS. Normal filler with 2 charges
  3. Delete Boundless Judgment (to much HP)
  4. Delete extra charge of HoW (increase damage instead)
  5. And now CSAA has a reason to generate 1 HP for each atack (I am not a fan oh this talent, but player woud LOVE it)
    Make TS + 1 BoJ = CSAA + 2 BoJ
    Any % damage loss restore in flat % damage buff or buff our finishers.
    Also miss 15% Divine Purpose. But wich such HP overload we don’t need it.

I love this speck so much, played ret paladin since wrath, but i just so tired of watching strange attempts to fix things that worked well before (Legion - SL). You don’t need to reinvent the wheel.
P.S. Templar talents are great, thank you for that.

Can I have whatever you’re smoking?


Ret didn’t work well before. The average performace of each spec from Legion through Shadowlands put Ret at the very bottom. It was consistently the worst performing spec in the entire game. And it was almost entirely due to Ret’s damage profile being incompatible with how the game worked. Especially in M+. Where it was a bottom 5 spec in every single season from Legion until its rework in DF.


I’m no game designer, but I am very much in favor of Templar’s Verdict dealing more damage. It does feel weak compared to Blade of Justice.

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I understand that there was no damage and so on. But the gameplay was good, the ret just didn’t have enough survivability. They added defensive options and completely broke the gameplay. No one asked for it. Blizzard just made horrible talent tree in 10.0. Instead of fixing it, they did complete rework and now with this changes they are trying to make something good, but it completly fails. Just remember season 2 and season 3 DF (before giga buff). Ret was clumsy and weak. No damage, Vanguard of Justice, lots of resources with wings, afk gaming without. They removed 4xp coast finishers. This talent was necessary to justify such amout of holy power. Thank god they remooved it, but they haven’t nerf HP generation yet. Did you try to play on beta? 2 charges of BoJ, 2XP Judgment, 2 Charges of HoW, now TS is op. How can we manage to do normal thoughtfull rotaion? The BoJ does so much damage that the HoW is not needed. There is no time for that. Such things is not normal at all. I don’t want see this on launch. I dont wnat braindead spam of BoJ

Oh geez! Not another player looking to nerf ret paladins again. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You don’t like Blade of Justice, simple…don’t use it.

Let the rest of us enjoy ourselves.


You are absolutly out of your mind even asking 1hp per swing its literally the most op brken thing ever. Even at 1 every 2 its stronger than ts.

And I always said buffinvthe damage is not enough. Its slly that a generator does more than finishers… The way to buff ts to be on par with csaa was to nerf csaa… Both its damage and attack speed

I do agree builders are doing too muich damage while finishers dont feel powerful at all.

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I cant when it’s top 1 st button
I like BoJ but it shouldn’t be so strong compared to other buttons.
It’s not about ret getting nerf, it about variability and flexibility of talents

You can’t make this $#!+ up.

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hes right tho. theres shouldnt be a world where our generators are stronger than our spenders, boj, ts and how with herald are stronger than our FV and DS. this leads to hopo being ignored as a resource and leads to degenerate gameplay. im pretty sure ts is overtuned and will see a hefty nerf in the coming beta build.

They don’t even do the serious tuning phases until much closer to launch. Complaining about the numbers now is silly, and just downright dumb.

Even though I do like large impactful finishers, I am glad Ret has strong HP builders too. Judgement has in the past actually moved health bars, as you might expect from clocking someone in the back of the head with a 30mph magical hammer. One might also expect getting your unmentionables stabbed along with the rest of you by a 6ft magical sword geting launched out of the ground beneath you to also effect health. FV happens to be 3 times the size of a Judgement, its animation is even more violent, but it doesnt do 3 times the damage. That should be the question.

Why does FV do 1/4th the damage of Desintigrate? No idea, lots of important questions need answers.

Also a fan of TV/FV/JV (for whatever masochist reason you’d use it) doing more damage

It doesn’t

I just looked at 50 logs of different paladins on Volocross and not a single one has BoJ ahead of FV…
And it’s not even close.

And on fight like Assault of Zaquali, where there is a lot of adds for BoV to shine, it still comes in behind DS although to be fair its kind of itching closer to it.

You can make a point that you feel like spenders should hit stronger but what you’re claiming is blatantly false.

At least to the extend of people playing Ret correctly/optimally and not purposefully gimping themselves.

And something to consider is that, it’s damage is higher because we cast it more because of the Tier set and CSAA that make us take 2 charges of it, both to lessen the downtime and have more flexibility on Expurg application.

Tier set is leaving and the hegemony of CSAA might come to an end in TWW.

If it weren’t for those 2 charges, we wouldn’t cast it as often and it’s damage would be lesser.
And even then, on ST it’s not that noticeable, it’s really in AoE that we can see this effect because of how BoV is basically a vanilla DS, without any buff, that you can cast back to back.

The strength of generator vs. spenders only ever becomes a problem if spenders power are so relatively low that pressing a generator while at max Holy Power to start its cooldown provide more dps than spending Holy Power. Currently that is not the case.

Or if you care about the skill cap of the spec i guess. Then having strong generators are a net negative since wasting Holy Power is less of a concern.

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thats currently is the case with TS and boj inbeta, and it was close enoguh to that point you can waste 30+ holy power and still parse orange in raiding, back then wastin 30+ holy power sent you straight to grey hell. this is a problem and very few people dont like to admit it

I forgot about Templar Slash, but i don’t think that is going to last much longer. It hits harder than Mortal Strike does with 2 stacks of Overpower. Honestly, TS should probably go away altogether, but that’s a topic for another time.

Not so sure about about Blade of Justice though. Last i checked the average damage per cast of FV quite a bit higher than BoJ, even accounting for Expurgation. But i need to check again.

Edit: Done some testing.

As Templar FV did an average of 30% more damage than BoJ+Expurgation per cast.

As Herald the result was much closer. FV still did more damage, but only very slightly. About 5-10%. But considering how often Art of War procs with Zealot’s Ferver now at 40% attack speed. There is an argument to be made that not keeping both charges of BoJ on cooldown at all times leads to a dps loss.

So yeah, you are probably right. Blade of Justice’s damage should probably go down a bit. How much i can’t say, but the ~20% buff it got a few weeks into 9.2 could probably be reverted.

Also i forgot another one. Blessing of An’she - Hammer of Wrath. With Vengful Wrath it does more damage than Hammer of Light. And not by a small margin either. They should probably change that one, especially considering HoW feels kinda out of place in Herald. Should buff your next spender instead.