I mean it. The shoulders have +4 mp5 on them. That’s it. The entire set. No intellect, just 4 mp5 wasting our item budget…
Our set bonus makes Holy Wrath a 12 second CD that takes 1/3 of our entire mana bar to use since our gear has no intellect on it. And 4 mp5 is nothing.
We already can’t hit our spell hit cap on BiS gear, making us the only class in the game that can’t hit their raid hit cap as you make our set bonuses modify SPELLS for 2 phases in a row now, WHILE ALSO being the only class in the game that has to kill ourselves to DPS, let alone get mana back; all while being at the bottom of the DPS rankings among the 9 classes LOL
Speaking of killing ourselves, our +heal was removed several phases ago, which is also casted, so we can’t even heal in PvP (300 HP flash of light won’t save you when you get hit for 10x that if you even get the cast off); even warriors have more self-healing right now!
HELLO! What are you guys thinking??? Seal twisting also sucks. This sucks.