Ret aura removal

And big surprise, Ret aura was NOT ret paladin exclusive, so it’s completely irrelevant you never needed a specific spec unless you wanted Windfury, and thats changed for TWW.

So not once did I say you needed a ret pally in prog fight, I said you needed 2 paladins, regardless of spec.

If you want to talk about spec representation, then ret aura was not the main factor here, and ret paladins are not the only spec suffering.

I remember when it was massively buffed halfway through Vault. Somebody on our team suggested bringing his alt Paladin; many were skeptical, but when we saw the enormous raid-wide DPS boost we all thought it was stupid.

More newly typed up words and no proof, if your guild or any mythic guild can’t kill mythic without ret aura, look for a better guild. If you can kill without ret aura, why do you care and why are you here arguing about our spec flavor item. It is non of your business. So which one is it. I don’t see a third option.

Every guild in the top 10 did use 2 paladins though.

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So now it is removed, these 10 guilds can’t kill mythic?

You really should go do some progression raiding before continuing to screech on about it; you look very foolish.

It is a yes or no question, you sounds foolish to avoiding the question even tho we both know the answer.

If they don’t need it, you don’t.

Then It doesn’t matter at all, why does it HAS TO BE REMOVED, I’m still waiting for an answer.

You are moving the goalpost so much, you argued that removing Ret Aura ruins the spec, but somehow nobody needs it, make up your mind

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It is our spec’s flavor item like I said, since you are not paying attention at all and just typing to argue I’m repeating it to you, show me it has been a concern to you prior to bliz’s post, if not why do you care, why are you here? I’m puzzled.

Paladina is big mad lmao.

Right so removing ret aura completely destroys retribution paladins how exactly?

Because you didn’t see or had conversations about it’s issues with raid compositions doesn’t mean they didn’t happen, and no I am not going to entertain you with a google search. You keep saying we can’t just agree with the blue post reasoning but fact is, many of us do.

I never said it completely ruined anything so quit putting words in my mouth, you acting like it has been a concern for your raid, proof? My opinion is you just love to agree with blue post, proof me wrong.

Ruin, sink, fair enough different word, but again what do you think was happening? Ret aura was not ret pally specific, so it wasn’t a reason to bring a RET pally, it was a reason to bring a second one.

You keep asking for proof that it was occupying a second raid spot in a majority of CE raid comps? I said it before, you can look at the first kill of any CE guild and you’ll definitely find the majority had 2 paladins, thus making the number of raid spot occupied by a pre-determined class to 14.13 if you don’t count windfury, which was a bit more debatable based on actual comps, but with TWW shaman change then a shaman is absolutely needed now.

Sink means going down the totem pole, ruin means the spec is unplayable, you don’t understand the difference?

Just for reference. Max constantly reiterates that he does not think the game should be tuned or balanced around anything the world first guilds do.

Say what now? You have got to be trolling. You actually think, Max told devs that since WW monk, which he played in S2, played Havoc DH in S3 and not playing S4, has standard melee range, Ret paladin’s ability to attack at range should be nerfed?.. And then they listened to that?

That is even a far stretch for a GD forum.

Now here is a good reason for Blizzard to listen to World First Raiders. They have some of the most in depth experience playing classes. They play them to the highest level, and understand their strengths and flaws. They understand how spells and abilities work and can work. They generally have very good ideas on how a spec can be improved, or where a spec is deficient.

They are professional WoW players. They are paid to play and understand the game.

I was on his stream when he called for ret range nerf, you are not telling me otherwise! There are ppl that pointed out he is the one that is calling for Paladin two raid buff issue, it IS him. He thinks he is above everyone, give me a reason why race to the world first, paid gears split runs to beat the mythic raid asap is good for the game in anyway, it is complete trash.

nope -not all points carry over - all 40 odd of my alts show different point tallys