Having healthy passive off-healing with the capacity to do some serious triage at the cost of our DPS has always been a big deal to me. I don’t understand why we’re doing this, as it really doesn’t feel overpowered. Did people complain that we show up on the healing meters? I don’t get it.
Gutting this may be the nail in the coffin for me. A bridge too far. Like you finally put us in a comfortable spot for DPS with a solid additional reason to merit a spot in any group, and now you want to take it away, to streamline it more. More and more streamlining. It’s so anti-fun, and feels like multiple unnecessary slaps in the face. I’m not here for it. Please don’t do it. Any of it. The only thing I could maybe see toning down is Seal of the Crusader, but that’s such a cool synergy as it is.
In fact, how did we go from possibly changing Lightforged Blessing to 3%, reverting that, now putting it down to 1%? The current iteration is fine. Don’t do this.
Trickle healing that just happens without any active thought/decision making is not why you are being brought to keys/raid. Your solid additional reason to be invited is your ability to save lives with BoP/Sac/Lay.
SotC should’ve remained a damage option for Ret/Prot imo, I’d rather see that healing power brought back into our casted healing spells. Especially in PvP.
I know that. I still like it and I’m mad it’s getting nerfed so heavily.
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Disagreed. If a paladin gets kicked in his casted ability it’s basically a full lock out save for a couple of dmg ability.
And you are casting a heal becuz? Yeah… that’s basically a 100% death sentence, you have better luck trying to horse away or using WOG depending on dampening. It’s also the reason why Light’s Celerity’s being used in PVP.
Not that the amounted heal actually matter much, it’s usually a combi of your offheal and the healer’s heal and even then sometime your hp bar dun move to the right even.
Tickle healing in this case, does alot more then casted spells, at least in pvp.
For PVE it’s another whole new point altogether, limited mana vs heal amount, casting time vs instant cast etc.
Our passive healing has clearly overtaken our active healing in PvP, there’s no denial there and it is TERRIBLE balance.
Hybrids should be able to do meaningful healing at the cost of opening themselves up to being kicked (skill issue). Them toning Seal of the Crusader down and buffing Flash by 35% is a healthy change for the spec. It’s a huge buff to us in BG blitz/any mode with normal or no dampening.
The moment you start WoGing in RSS, you’ve basically lost anyway. Dampening stacks WAY too fast and most non-cooldown hybrid healing is essentially a waste past one minute. Empyreal Ward making Lay dampening immune was a great positive change in that regard.
Needless to say I’m glad I won’t be malding out watching a DPS Druid or Shaman heal themselves for 8-10% of their health chunks with Regrowth/Surge while we’re stuck spamming a Flash Heal that only does 4%.
Well, a 30% buff on 4% is like… 5.2% or something which is very far from 8-10%
I’m personally factoring in taking SotC’s talent point and putting it into Selfless, which we benefit from even while solo.
Also going off of what my vuhdo frames tell me when casting it.
Another up tick for not choosing sotc is you have a choice of not taking cssa if you wanted to change it to tv or keep base cs.
Sotc’s full benefit only comes from taking Cssa
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