Restrict customizations to a sub race and give them their own racials

I don’t see how it destroys void elves.

Please tell me what changes for void elves.

Their story stays exactly the same. If you want to look like them you have nothing to worry about. If you want to see their racials you have nothing to worry about.

Just because void elves and high elves share a race for gameplay purposes does not mean they share a story.

Sure I would like to see them unite to form an official thalassian government in the alliance but the void elves would keep their void focused story and expertise.

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You can see my stance on the respective EE threads on the issue. I would like to keep on topic and not discuss too much on just that lone racial.

To add to the discussion I will list the racials that I think the sub races should get below:

Sandfury trolls: Passive, same as darkspear.
Active: Trollin’ wit’ sand: The sandfury troll pulls out a bag from his home full of rocks and sand and chucks it at the targets face, dealing X nature damage and blinding the target. (add in a troll chuckle sound effect for added fun)

Dark Trolls: Passive, same as darkspear
Active: Playin’ wit’ da voodoo: Pulls out a voodoo doll with the essence of the target and stabs it with a needle; Causing a bleed effect on the target dealing X physical damage over time.

Yaunkol (if playable): Active Cauterize self: Cauterize yourself healing for X amount of health.
Passive: Pact of the fire elementals: The fire elementals honor your pact and randomly deals additional X fire damage to your spells or physical attacks.

Taunka (if playable): Work In Progress (I dunno too much lore with them, any suggestions?)

Wild hammer dwarves: Active: Storm hammer chucking: Pull out your wildhammer hammer and and imbue it with lightning, chuck it at your target to stun the target and deal X nature damage to it and all enimy targets within 5 yards.
Passive: Stoneblood of the titans: Reduces bleed, disease and poison effects duration by 10% and increases your armor by X.

High elves (alliance): Active: Artifact gift: Absorb the magic from an artifact that the alliance given you baised on your role (tank, dps or healer)
Dreanei’s crystal: (healer) Adds additional holy effect to all your healing spell increasing your healing by X.
Drink of the moonwell: (melee/hunter) Increases your natural abilities, increasing your str or agil by x amount.
Necklace of dalaran: (ranged caster) Increases your mental state, adding additional arcane damage to your abilities.
Titan artifact of Ironforge (tank): Gives you a bubble that absorbs X damage.

Passive: Ranger reflexes: Your past training with the farstriders has increased your natural reflexes, increasing your chance to evade by X%.

Dark rangers (If playable): banshee’s arrow: Shoot an bolt from your cross-bow with dark energy, dealing X amount of shadow damage and enshrouding your opponents vision with darkness (effects players only)

Passive: Ranger reflexes: Your past training with the farstriders has increased your natural reflexes, increasing your chance to evade by X%.

San’layn (If playable) Active: Drink blood: Bite your target and drink their blood dealing x damage to the target and healing you for x amount.

Passive: Cursed strength: Increases str/agil/int by x amount.

LF all: Will inherit light’s reckoning from the OG LF.

LF human(if playable): Commander of light: Call forth a soldier of the light to fight by your side, each melee swing from the soldier deals X holy damage.

LF Gnome(if playable): Lightforce SkyForce: Press the button on your remote to call forth a modified lightforged construct (forgot it’s name) to fly over and shoot a lightforged missle, dealing holy damage to the target and causing a small knock-back effect.

LF Dwarf(if playable): HolySkin: Clears yourself of any offensive magic and curse effects and grants a bubble to yourself, absorbing X damage. If the bubble lasts to the end of the duration it explodes doing X holy damage to all enimies in 8 yards.

LF High Elf (IF playable): Work in progress (Give me some ideas :D)

Frostborne dwarves (If playable): active: Frosty brew breath: Breaths frost air on their targets Freezing their legs (root effect) and dealing X frost damage. Frontal cone ability.

Passive: Chilled stone body: Can naturally walk on water unless damaged on it, also reduces root/snare effect duration by x amount and decreases damage from all sources by x%

Missing a race that can be a sub race? Let me know! I will now start to make a post with what I think what their classes might be.

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Probably just be called the “Stormhammer Strike” or something like that. The Stormhammers are made in their Aerie’s and each member of the Wildhammer clans earns theirs after trials.

I like that. For reasons. >.>

Really like this.

Maybe make one for the Forest and Frost trolls just in case?
Oh! Frostborn Dwarves!

Hoping frost/forest trolls can be an allied race for the built hunched troll model. But I’ll see if I can come up with something for frostborne.


Passive might be OP though.

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Aye thats why I said just in case. I’m hoping they’ll end up as an AR too.

Don’t have too much on them. Frost resistance for sure. Frost breath maybe? Frost Skin.

… eagle strike!

Already done, look at the post above :smiley:

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I’m just hoping that blizzard stops making allied races and gives that customization to the existing races instead. I don’t want to see any more unfinished and unpolished races like the nightborne. It would have been much cooler to redo the night elf model and add nightborne customization on top of it.

That… that is what they did :open_mouth:

ooof! I like it.

That actually makes me excited for them much more. lol

Why does everyone want to make me look different? I love my model. :frowning:

Last time i checked the night elf model didn’t change in and significant way. The male skeleton and faces still look pretty terrible (at least to my eyes).

They just want a version of it that has the mohawk… Everyone wants to be the night elf mohawk!

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Adding EXTRA racials means you have to consider how they can mess up pvp and pve.

If one racial is too strong (humans EMFH) it can have people choosing to roll human JUST for that racial in PvP.

I would argue that all races should have access to all classes in the name of player agency.

Furthermore, all races should be given a few options of racials to choose from.

I like the idea of giving the races more racials to choose from, but giving all races all classes breaks the lore. I don’t want to see a void elf paladin walking around wielding the power of the light (for example), when blizzard has already undermined the lore to such a significant degree.

Speaking of which I’ll make my class list here:

If I add a ? at the end it will mean maybe.

everyone get’s warriors, priests, DKs, and hunters, so I will not mention them in the lists:

Sandfury trolls & Dark Trolls: warlocks, mages, rogues, shaman, monk.

Yaunkol & Taunka: Shaman, druid

Grimtotem tuaren: Rogue, shaman, druid?

Wildhammer Dwarves: Shaman, rogues, mages, druids, warlocks?

High elves (both factions) Mages, Paladins?, rogues, Shamans?, Druids? Horde only: Warlock

Dark rangers & Sanlayn: rogues, warlocks, mages.

All LF: Mages, paladins, monks? Dwarf LF only; Shaman

Frostborne dwarf: Shaman, mages, warlocks, rogues, druids?

Note: I just realized I forgot the grimtotem, will work on their racials.

Edit: Grimtotem racials

Passive: Poison soaked weapons: Any spell or physical attack will have a chance to aflict their opponent with a poison that will do X amount of nature damage.

Active: Bulls roar: Roar at your sorroundings with your verocity, horrifying your enemies for x seconds. (Like warstomp, but given a different flavor.)

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Definitely not. The Wildhammer specifically turned away from magic of that type because of the DID use of it during the War of the Three Hammers. They likely wouldn’t use mages either.