Restoring the faith - dropped by Wrathion

October of 2023 and still happening. Thanks Blizz.


My two latest alts didn’t get dropped. Hard to figure out what causes it. The only thing I can maybe think might be different is playing the cinematic through before getting the ride. Maybe cancelling the cinematic and getting the ride before the cinematic would have been over somehow bugs it? No idea though. I’ll test it with the next alt. But yeah, I still make sure any alt I’m leveling though there has a goblin glider or some other slow fall ability ready.

Yup. Tested my theory with another alt today. Canceled the oathstone restoring cinematic and went directly to Wrathion and accepted a ride as soon as he’d let me. Got dropped to my death.

There, Blizz, maybe you now have a place to start with this… almost a year later

Just got DF. Just died to this. How is it possible that a bug this bad continues to exist? Blizz owes repair gold to anyone who died this way. I certainly did nothing to deserve the death.

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Still happening, thought wrathion and I were buds, guess not.

Just happened to me, again.

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Just happened to me, on Shadowsong. First time.

Just happened to me a second time, stupid memory, forgot until it was too late. :frowning:

And we do Wrathion, we do.