Restoring old action bar layout at bottom of screen?

Hello there!

To preface, I know the answer is to adapt and embrace. This is being posted for my wife, who loathes change. To the point that I don’t upgrade her phone, I keep her on older versions of Windows, stuff like that. Changes are harder on her than it is on me.

Upon logging into WoW tonight, I did what I could to set it to “classic” in the edit mode, change ui scale, etc. but it’s still vastly different than it was upon her logging out. The thing that seems to bother her the most is that instead of two stacked action bars created by the four action bars, she now has three stacked single action bars and the fourth is missing entirely.

I can get her through the rest but this seems to be the sticking point for her. Is there any way without the use of an addon like bartender that I can get her the look of the action bars she had before the patch? The buttons are too large to fit side by even if I tried to drag it into the same configuration as before, it would overlap the quest list and chat.


They why is she still wanting to play in a new XPAC?

That’s almost literally the definition of “a big change.”

Also, she’s not going to cope well with aging. <giggle>

If she thinks having a malleable UI is a problem, wait until it’s her body changing on her.

You’re in for a rough ride, bub.

Short answer here is that you can move those bars around and resize them pretty much at will. You can add some new bars as well. Everything you need is in the modification tool kit if all you’re stuck on is the bar layout.

If you need specific help on how to do it and don’t want to try a day’s worth of give and take on the forums, BT me (Kaldara#11970) and I’ll get you in my Discord channel and walk you through it.

Bartender works I believe, but there is something close with the new UI.

  • Drag Action Bar 3 out and to the right, so it’s not attached.
  • Change the settings to 2 rows on Action Bar 3.
  • Move it to the right of the main Action Bar.

This replicates the layout of the old action bars. So at least the buttons are in the same familiar layout.

Hope that helps.


Wowhead actually posted an article with the recommended layout to be as close to the old UI as possible, complete with an import code to make it super easy.


Thanks for the bump.

Thanks very much for the link! I’ll give it a read and see what I can do with her UI.

Thanks again!