Restore the Black and Plagued Proto-Drakes (First Wrath Raid Meta Mounts)

There is a matter that has bothered me for the better part of the last… oh, decade or so, but most particularly in the past couple of weeks, ever since the whole brouhaha with the Goodest Boy becoming a mount and the old Veilstalker achievement for Shadowlands getting one, etc.

Back in Wrath of the Lich King, there were two proto-drake mounts given for the very first “Glory of the Raider” achievements - the ones for Naxxramas, Obsidian Sanctum, and Eye of Eternity. They were the Black Proto-Drake and the Plagued Proto-Drake, for 25 and 10, respectively. With the release of Ulduar in Patch 3.1.0, they were removed. I believe the reasoning given at the time was that Blizzard did not want them to become too common.

I bring this up because since then, not one mount associated with a Glory of the [insert name here] Raider achievement, from Ulduar onward, has ever been removed. Not one.

Some might point out - and in my defense, I only found this out today, looking it up out of curiosity - that the Plagued Proto-Drake has occasionally been available on the Black Market Auction House since Mists of Pandaria. That’s not the point. The point is, and I will stress this again, NOT ONE of the Glory mounts has been removed since those original two.

There have been some in recent days who have called to put “one in the eye” to the “elites” who got their limited-time goodies back in the limited time, by putting those rewards on the Trading Post. Rumors have persisted for months that the Reins of the Kor’kron War Wolf, the first AotC mount from Siege of Orgrimmar, will possibly be given this treatment. Already the TCG moneybags have been losing their minds seeing their beloved “treasures” being put up for tender on the Trading Post, or - horrors! - for FREE as Twitch drops.

I wish to take this one step further. Restore the Black and Plagued Proto-Drakes to the original Glory of the Raider achievements. Let the Wrath elitists cry over their “achievements” being made “irrelevant”. Let them become common sights in Azerothian skies, especially with the coming flight changes in War Within.

Gratias tibi ago.

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