Restoration Shaman Struggles in PvP

Making this topic on a very specific issue that in some form has always existed in PvP but it feels way worse now.

Restoration Shaman struggles heavily into heavy purge teams. This is an issue for Restoration Druids but it feels like Restoration Shaman is now in the same boat.

This is slightly to do with the fact that Disc and Preservation are the top 2 healers at this moment who have easy access to purge. But recent changes to our kit with Primordial Wave and the Reactive Warding talent, a lot of our healing feels dependent on consistent Riptide uptime as well as refreshing Earth Shield for great healing through Reactive Warding.

And with the new BG Blitz bracket, teams often have multiple Evokers who almost always run the Scouring Flames PvP talent to purge everyone hit by Fire Breath.

I still feel like the spec is in an ok spot, but with other healers receiving buffs this upcoming Tuesday, Restoration Shaman is going to eventually need some tuning in the future to compete with the current S-tier specs.

Instead of a boring 4% buff to all spells as Blizzard is want to do, I’m hoping we can maybe see some changes to alleviate the rock paper scissors match-ups such as:

  • Nerfing Reactive Warding so it is less oppressive to compositions without access to heavy purge and less meaningful into heavy purge
  • Move some healing from passive sources such as Healing Stream into the initial hit of Riptide and Healing Wave+Healing Surge
  • Nerf Scouring Flames PvP talent

And for my last note, please buff the visuals of Earthen Wall Totem so people stay in it or just nerf this talent into uselessness so you can compensate us elsewhere and we don’t have to worry about people running away the entire game. :slight_smile:

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Atm rest shaman feel really bad.
I feel my healing is really bad.