Restoration Druid feedback (protesting Nourish)

  • Dream of Cenarius is getting iterated on. It can not be overstated how abhorrent I find this talent. We don’t need to be Fistweavers. The talent enforces poor play, doing less damage in order to heal more because it only heals through spammable fillers. It also only does any healing in situations that are trivial to heal through because if we need real healing, we press heal buttons, as we should, so DoC not working from DOT damage makes it pretty useless.

  • Having said that, I recognize DoC is probably staying for a while, it should at least compete with weaker healing talents, like the middle section of the talent tree. Coincidentally, we have talents in the middle section way overperforming for their spot. The treants. I think swapping those would be very positive both for allowing GG to be flexed out of my build, and for allowing DoC to be less griefing.

  • Call of the Elder Druid needs to have a more controllable trigger for Cat and Bear, such as Starsurge. It could just be any Cat and Bear spell proper, just not the act of simply shapeshifting.

  • Reactive Resin was tagged in as a regular talent. It is not in the talent tree yet. Furthermore, having PVP abilities take up non-PVP slots feels horrible. Other classes’ dispel protections are all baseline without taking up talent points.

  • Nourish is an absolute plague upon this spec. It needs to go. It’s a win-more effect that does the least to people that you need the most help healing, the 2 ways we apply its heal are random-targeted completely out of our control, it magnifies the difficulty of tuning the spec between small and large group healing due to Mastery, and it killed Swarm because the devs want to pretend Nourish wasn’t the root of problematic Mastery scaling, not the 3x Mastery heal that did 30% of my breakdown in Arena and Dungeons, it must have been Swarm.

  • It needed to go in 9.0.1 when it was just a dead spot in the talent tree, it needed to go in 10.0.5 when it got upgrade talents, and it needed to go when Treants got made to cast it in 10.1.5. The devs surely know this cuz they keep shoving the effect into other abilities for reasons beyond reason to force it to exist, since nobody has any use for casting the spell straight up.

This is the most frustrating part of the talent, I’m in combat and use sprint/dash it auto procs it, wasted it, I use incap Roar, wastes it.

It definitely needs to change, it should proc on Frenzied Regeneration, Shred and Swipe and Starsurge.

Changing Forms in combat shouldn’t proc it, it should be by using an ability.

I seriously don’t even run it anymore simply because it just procs when I don’t need it or cc’ing a target.