Resto Thrash and Swipe War Within

So these abilities have no synergy with anything in War within with the exception of one final talent in the class tree that increases their damage by 10%. Even the Wildstalker tree does buffs moonfire/sunfire over swipe and thrash even though it’s built around melee abilities. I just don’t understand why these abilities are skipped over. As it stands, even as wildstalker, it’ll make more sense to just starfire for AoE damage then thrash and swipe and that really botched the “fantasy” of the hero tree.

If Thrash made subsequent swipes have a chance to cause bloodvines it would be worthwhile and fantasy appropriate

Well both are really good with Primal Fury in AOE which you can more easily access now as an option. Also Thrash does benefit from Liveliness.

I think what you suggest might make Thrash feel mandatory, but personally I feel like it holds a good place on live currently where you can drop a piece of utility or defensive for a nice little dmg boost with it.

The problem still is say you come across a pack of 8. Logic says to go thrash and spam swipe cause at least one of those hits are going to crit and give double combo points. But none of that plays into the wildstalker hero talents. You either do that and only benefit from a couple 5pt rips, or you spam rake on as many targets as you can and also rip for the bloodvines.I guess my problem is theirs no AoE play for wildstalker. You’ll end up spam raking as many targets as you can regardless if theirs 5 or 10 targets.

As it stands I don’t even know if thrash would even be worth using regardless of mob count. Getting an extra rake for a chance to spread and explode bloodvines would probably be more beneficial.

Well you’re not wrong but I wouldn’t rule out those abilities already. Also frankly Swipe spamming is really boring, spreading Rakes and maintaining Thrash more fun anyway.

I would expect Starfire to still be good on large AOE too, I don’t think every ability you press necessarily has to synergize with hero talents personally.