There are criticisms and ARE YOU SERIOUS parts below. Definitely need more trimming and tuning.
It seems clunky and there are still too many 2 talent point nodes.
Earthen Harmony should be in the class tree and not in the Resto tree. If it has to stay there, then it is way too far down on the tree.
High Tide still makes no sense being so low, let alone a capstone.
Living stream needs to be changed. A buff that decays over time. Our healing aoe was already shrunk along with other nerfs. Healing Stream totem is not so good that it needs a decay.
Healing surge should 100% be baseline. Resurgence (mana shield) should take its spot on the tree.
including the actual riptide required talent, we have 4 talent nodes for riptide. Two of them are 2 nodes. These can easily be combined and trimmed down.
Class tree:
It is wierd and clunky and some of the ‘forced’ placement is really old and just bad. Forcing people to take talents in order to get 3 good talents is, just horrid. There are too many talents.
Refreshing waters is a wasted talent.
Earth elemental needs to be moved. Forcing the healer to get chain lightening to get it is absurd. Mind you, I will probably get chain lightening. That is not the point. Resto Shamans need easier access to the earth elemental. Bad placement.
WHY ARE WE forced to get lightening lasso or spiritwalker’s grace to get mana spring, ancestral guidance and natures swiftness?? ARE YOU SERIOUS!! That pisses me off more than anything. Way to force people into talents they do not use or give any care about. I DO NOT KNOW A SINGLE person, not saying there aren’t, that use spiritwalkers or lasso… WOW. JUST WOW.