Resto Shammy LF active AOTC West Coast Guild


I’ve been raiding consistently since Blackwing Lair and am currently searching for a new guild. I’ve been in an AOTC/Mythic Guild on Arthas/Undermine for several years and they are like family to me. Unfortunately, I simply cannot continue to balance work/wife/raiding on an East Coast server while living on the West Coast. Therefore I am searching for a new place to call home. What I’m looking for:

  • West Coast Raid times 8pm Pac or later 2 days a week or less
  • Active Guild (M+ and active discord) that is tightly knit. My wife and I attend Blizzcon every year and we would love to do it while hanging with members of our guild.
  • AOTC + Some Mythics. Not looking for CE as I simply don’t have the time to put into that again (did CE at a different time in my life in Pandaria (ToT and SoO))
  • Group with an adult sense of humor. I’m not against children per se, just don’t like having to tip toe around conversational minefields.

What I offer:

  • Competent former GM, Officer and Healing Lead of Mythic level raiding guilds
  • Active and Consistent with mostly blue and purple parses on Heroic and Mythic content
  • Insightful, confident and takes direction well
  • Currently Horde but open to Faction Transfer if necessary
  • On Arthas but willing to Transfer

If interested, please let me know on here. Thank you all.

Hey there Gish, I think we would be a great fit for you.

Ebonvale is looking build a raid team to push into mythic raiding content in 8.3! We are recruiting any who are looking to find a new home where they can push content but also make friends! We are willing to also help anyone gear up!

Raid Times!

(Progression) Monday | 9:45 EST - 12:45 EST
(Progression) Wednesday | 9:45 EST - 12:45 EST
(Alt/Farm Night) Saturday | 9:45 EST - 12:45 EST

Questions? Please contact:
Officer: (Bnet) ckam03#1234 |(Discord) ckam03#1423

Heya Gish,

Think Pak Cafan might be a great place for you to land. We’re a server start guild that was originally established back in EQ1 which means there’s a core of us that are, ah … seasoned. Yeah let’s go with that.
What we do:

  • Heroic Progression Raiding (AOTC focus)
  • M+/Expeditions
  • Achievement Runs
  • Treat each other like family
  • Have a good time

While we do like to explore light mythic progression that’s a call leadership makes depending upon raid comp and numbers and is not our primary focus. We raid W/TH 9-11:30pm ET

Give me a poke via Bnet or Discord and let’s chat!

Bnet: Peregryn#1292
Disc: Peregryn#6031

Well hello there Gish we might be just what you are looking for.

[A]<No Fun> 8/8H EP US-Proudmoore recruiting members to strengthen our raid team.

We are a low drama adult guild with a nice atmosphere and helpful members. The Guild was formed at the beginning of legion and has achieved AOTC each tier with some mythic kills to boot.

Are members enjoy raiding, running mythic +, and a few even like arena and bg’s

Raid times Thurs/Fri 10pm-1am PST

For more info contact

Armageddon#1703 Toon name Wolfestyle

Talk to you soon.

Who We Are

Tequila Sundown is a Mythic raid team formed within the <Karma Horde> guild on US-Stormreaver Horde. We’re a “positively determined” progression team that maintains a light-hearted atmosphere while tackling mythic difficulty content. We’re mature adults with jobs and family seeking like-minded players who have a passion for the game but want to avoid the needless angst or drama that often gets associated with progression raiding. We log on to have fun - so come have some fun with us!

A Team Within a Community

Our raid team is one of three within the larger guild of <Karma Horde>, which was formed back during WotLK. As such, the guild and Discord are very active and social. There are always people around online and in-game. The community atmosphere is welcoming and friendly to players of all levels. The guild enforces a Code of Conduct that has zero tolerance for hate/offensive speech.

We are always looking to add players with a friendly personality and lots of passion for the game. We want players who are going to log in on non-raid nights and be down for all the other things we’re into: pushing mythic+, doing world quests, PVP shenanigans, achievement hunting, hyper-competitive fishing… there’s so much to do and so many ways to enjoy the game. This is our favorite hobby and we’d like to play with you if it is yours, too.

Progression Goals
We are currently 3/8M 8/8H in the Eternal Palace.

We strive for a fun environment that takes the challenges of mythic seriously and giving the content the respect it deserves. Our aim is, as all mythic teams, full clear of content but with always keeping the friendly spirit of camaraderie alive. Performance matters, but so does staying positive and finding the fun in the difficulty of a raid. We do not require mythic raid experience to join our team but we do expect mythic-level dedication and accountability from all of our raiders. You must be able to take constructive criticism and have ownership over your level of play, and be willing to put in the effort to be a contribution to the team.

Raid Days/Times
Our mandatory raids are:
Tuesdays 10:45pm - 1:45am CST (8:45pm - 11:45pm PST)
Thursdays 10:45pm - 1:45am CST (8:45pm - 11:45pm PST)

Optional (but encouraged):
Wednesdays 10:45pm - 1:45am CST (8:45pm - 11:45pm PST)
Wednesday nights are for farming the previous raid difficulty and very rarely requires the entire evening.

Recruitment Needs

We are trialing/recruiting via cross-realm Mythic Eternal Palace as we rebuild the roster after WoW Classiclysm in preparation for 8.3 / Ny’alotha.
Seeking Mythic caliber players (DPS priority) who love to play, are ready to contribute, and seeking a long term raiding home on a resilient team that does not fold.

Interested? Next steps:
Please check out our team’s wiki on the Karma Horde subreddit -
Read the Guild’s Code of Conduct. -
Complete and submit a New Raider Application -
Join the guild’s Discord Server -
Add the Raid Leaders on bnet: joat#1832, DrunkGreek#1742, Lambkill#1856.
Or on Discord: joat#1832, Pharscyde#9734, sayver#9682.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Bump, thank you for the replies so far :slight_smile: