Resto Shaman top US 100 xp LF guild

trying to get back into raiding hardcore looking for a guild that has the intentions and wherewith-all to push or stay top US 100, the competitiveness is necessary for me to enjoy the game. I haven’t raided the past several tiers very aggressively, furthest XP in top 100 was US 89th Blackhand in WoD. last tier i raided, semi-casual was BoD and my guild fell apart so i stopped raiding. I have logs from that but havent been able to find mine from 5 years ago for Blackrock. I have people that can vouch for my game play and experience that are currently raiding top 15-20 US latest i can raid is 12:30 est during the week

resoguy#1905 tue/thur 8p-11p est

bump im still looking

hello there

Indomitable (Thrall) is a new guild focused on CE compromised of former US 50-100 mythic raiders. We raid 2x/week (Wed/Thurs 7pm-10pm CST) with an optional heroic Alt night Mon 7-10CST. The heroic night is used for progression at the start of the tier, and then to sell runs towards the end of the tier.

Currently were looking for a resto shaman to fill out our healing core.

If interested feel free to reach out via bnet: Zyde#1325

The Boys is a new raiding guild, returning for Shadowlands. Our core is a group of players who have played together for multiple tiers prior, always obtaining CE. Leadership roles are filled with people having high end raiding experience (US top 3, and US top 100). We are looking for strong players looking to finish the tier at a fast pace, with a relax schedule.

Raid Times:
Tues-Thurs 5:30PM PST - 830PM PST
Sunday: optional alt raid/heroic farm

What we’re looking for:

Cutting Edge/ close to Cutting edge experienced players

Strong class knowledge and talent. This means being able to perform mechanics while doing your role well.

Players who come to raid ready. This means consumables as well as fight knowledge. Know the fights prior to the pull, know what to expect.

Team oriented players, this means putting the kill before your parse especially on progression.

Positive attitude. We want friendly individuals who want to game with the boys. Joking around is totally okay, but on progression we want individuals who know how to keep it serious and stay focused.

Individuals who play the game outside of raid. This can be multiple different things whether it’s mythic plus, or hitting some arena, we want people that enjoy the game, not raid loggers.

We are looking primarily for strong dps players, A Warrior, as well as a Disc Priest/Resto Shaman. High priority for ranged

We understand that life happens, and this is a video game, but we expect 90% attendance. Remember you have 19 other players relying on you. We want players who are consistent and will stick around, not leave mid tier.

No need to fill out an application, just talk to us.
Contact Information

Discord: cody#1505