Hey guys,
I am a Resto Shaman currently looking for a raid team. I am a returning player with mid tier mythic experience healing in raids.
I’m looking for a 2 night a week guild. I’m always up to date with boss strats and always come prepared to progress.
If you need a healer, plop a reply down below or reach me on;
Bnet: Bangdot#1751
Discord: Kalon#8973
Hey mate,
We are currently looking for a resto shamman, i have added you on discord and Bnet to have a chat.
Discord: Cantbstopped#6732
Bnet: Cantbstopped#1999
I have also included our recruitment thread below so you can have a read.
Look forward to talking to you.
Thank you for taking the time to look at this. Undercover Elitists is a guild that has mythic progression as a mind set. We raid Tues/ Thurs / (sometimes mandatory saturday) 8pm-11pm CST. The idea is to easily push and farm herioc as we push into mythic content in each tier. A mature have fun no BS guild that wants to down bosses and have a good time. Raiders recruited are expected to adapt on the fly and be able to handle mechanics thrown at them, take responsibilities for mistakes and can handle constructive criticism well. If you are someone that loves to banter in chat have a good time and loot give us a look! Refilling off of a broken roster. Will continue to run normal to gear exceptional applicants
10/10N (on Farm) 4/10H
Currently Recruiting. 195+
Healers: 2
Pref: Rsham / Hpal
(Flex Open)
RDPS: 3 (off spec heals Flex)
1 MM Hunters
1 Balance druid
(Flex open)
1 Unholy DK
1 WW monk
(Flex Open) ( off spec tank)
If there is a flex spot and you think the guild is for you please feel free to apply.
All exceptional applicants considered. Please contact myself at
Discord: Dragen#4167
Bnet: DragenEireTV#1423
Discord is the best place to reach me!