Resto Shaman LF new home for TWW

Hello everyone!

Like everyone else I am returning for TWW and looking for guild to call home.

~About Me~
I work in the medical field so I am busy throughout the weekdays. My days off I am usually living my life in Azeroth…its far less stressful. lol I mainly enjoy end game content, raiding, mount farming, and transmog farming and streaming it all. I am a quick learner and willing to learn more about anything to better my class or my specs since I have played a majority of them.

~My experience~
I started playing a resto shaman in Cata but I have other healing classes and DPS classes. I’m the worst tank ever so that is out the window. :slight_smile:

~What I am looking for~
Looking for a guild that does progression raiding on Friday and Saturday. I would like to heal on my shaman but am open to healing on a different class if need be. Also to be part of an an active guild does things together like running dungeons, keys but also runs other things like transmog runs and mount fun basically anything that might be fun.

Any questions or want me to know more about your guild then feel free to post a comment here, or hit me up on discord or battle!

Discord: cjrage
Battle: CJRage#11297

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Hello Xabijak,

I am also a returning player. I came back in March. Apparently it had been 7 years since I was last online! I have really enjoyed WoW since then but one of the things I was missing was the social aspect of a Guild. In the past those were the people who were always there to run some dungeons and tromp our way through some raids. So thats my goal in TWW, to be a part of an active guild again.

This is also not the first time I have returned after a wow break. And one of the things I feel really adds to the guild experience is to be part of it from the beginning. We are at a great time now due to the upcoming xpac. But above that, I was looking for a newer guild. One where I wouldn’t just be slotted into an existing raid team.

I joined TRYHARDISH. So far, I am glad I did. The Officer team seems knowledgeable and skilled but dedicated to forming a positive and casual environment. There are no set raid times yet. But interest is high for raiding/mythics/and some pvp. And the team is growing.

If any of that resonates with you, check them out. :slight_smile: