Returning player-currently 203 Resto shaman looking for a guild for 9.1
Past mythic raiding experience on resto druid and Hpal (would not mind swapping classes)
Preferred times would be between 8/9est to midnight, but i can make earlier times work as well.
Discord: DuckFruit#6932
Hay let’s talk I’d love to have a conversation with you!
Mal’Ganis Triumphant is currently 9/10H
and newly formed raiding/mythic+ guild, AOTC leadership looking for laid back and focused raiders to flush out the rest of our raid team. LF Mage, Warrior, and a few dedicated healers. Accepting Socials and anyone looking to have fun.
Raid time= 7pm-10pm EST Tues/Thurs
Any class that is not listed and wish to join feel free to pm as skills is Very important!
feel free to post here or Btag Daylightfall#1562 for further details
Daylightfall#5945 discord is preferable