Resto Shaman LF mythic guild baby! Alliance

We’ll try and keep this short and sweet. Was in, what was suppose to be a mythic focused raiding guild, but got to queen (idk the first week or second) and struggled to kill her for many weeks. Guild fell apart, so kinda just took a little break for a month. Pugged a mythic kill last week, made me want to find a mythic guild and get some kills under my belt. Ideally times would be 20:00 EST to 23:00 EST 2 days a week, those days could be tues/wed/thur. Don’t want toxic, or people in your guild who know it all and think they are gods gift to earth.

Shamaltoes - Stormrage

Open to jump in discord, chat in bnet or whatever.

Discord: ZeRoDaRk
Bnet: ZeRoDaRk#11563