Resto shaman LF guild

Resto shaman LF guild for mythic+ dungeons and eventually raiding

ATM looking for mythic + dungeon pushing and social, seeing as I’m waiting to hear back about employment and don’t want to commit to a raid schedule that I might have to leave. When I’m able to commit to a raid schedule I wanna be pushing mythic end game content.

We are looking for some more folks to start working up Mythics and things if you need a guild. We’re just a small guild but we want to progress and start working through raids as well once we have enough people.

Templars of the Cross are looking for healers, we currently raid 2 nights a week, 7:30 PM PST to 9:30PM, Tues and Wed.

Feel free to drop me a line in game.


Saga is recruiting for players who are 18+ and looking for a fun and mature guild with the goal of completing heroic raids each expansion and doing mythic+ together.
Message Starfall - Suramar or Garen - Suramar for more info or check out our recruitment posting.