So, a bit of background… My static raid group has been full of healers for a really long time, and although I’ve wanted to try out healer for the last few patches dating back to Dragonflight with this same group, I’m finally excited to be able to main a healer for this next season.
And because I’m sort of finicky with what I choose when it comes to casters, I decided on Resto because of two things; I love chain heal and I love chain lightning.
And chain heal specifically, I’ve always loved dating back to early stages of WoW. That green laser beam has always been something that to me, set Shaman apart from other healing specs.
And I know that meta, at least with healers, isn’t ever a heal(lol) to die on. You can raid heal any healing spec and still do a decent enough job. We’re a Heroic raid group and not Mythic, after all, so we’re not on the cutting edge of performance or anything like that.
Still, I’ve checked so many guides and YouTube videos that sort of forecast what the next season is looking like for Resto, and I’m a bit… I guess melancholy about how underwhelming the spec looks like, performance-wise, for this next season?
What’s with these mana issues when it comes to actually using chain heal compared to the plethora of other healers that don’t even see their mana bar budge? Why does it make sense that I have to keep a steady eye on what that bar looks like when half the other healers don’t even have to consciously even consider it?
And from what I’ve seen up to this point, my burst healing isn’t spectacular either. And when I spam things that are supposed to be my burst healing, despite underperforming when compared to other classes, suddenly my mana bar got a bunch of holes in it, and it’s draining fast.
I get that apparently they were meta for season 1, but our guild didn’t use any Resto Shammies, and now that I finally did get a chance to heal, I just feel completely underwhelmed; the kit and utility feels great and awesome, but the healing itself seems lacking.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m still stoked I get a healing spot for this next season, and I’m not gonna swap off Resto Shammy; it’s just… I don’t know, it feels underwhelming. It feels like it’s a spec that needs to go through some tuning before this patch goes live. There are glaring problems with the spec, and since there have been no attempts to change them, I’m going to assume they’re intentional.
That… Just doesn’t feel super great.