Resto sham,8/8hc, 2300io 407 lfg

Resto shaman looking for a semi-casual alliance guild on Stormrage to raid heroic/mythic content and run mythic+ throughout the week.
8/8Hc, 2300io, 407 ilvl, 5’10” irl, likes drinking
Chill, flexible, and down for fun raid groups that don’t take themselves too seriously.
Prefer Tue/Sun evening raiding but willing to change if need be

Disc: Shampain#6482
Bnet: Skididdelz#1812

Hi there. We would for sure take a resto shaman. Thanks for looking!

One Night Affair is a new AOTC focused guild raiding only 1 night a week.
8/8N 7/8H

Raid Leader is a former mythic and CE player. We will focus on using our limited time with efficiency and effectiveness, while maintaining a fun stress free environment.

OPTIONAL night Thur 9-11 for those looking to do a little more. What we do depends on how many show up. We either keep going where we left off, join as pugs in another raid, or form M+ groups.

Many Mythic+ KSM minded players.

Recruitment is currently open for:
All DPS Roles.
Priority on:
MW Monk
WW Monk
Preservation Evoker
Devastation Evoker


Raid times: Tuesday night 08:30-11:30 EST.

Contact Lucast

BNET: Lucast#1127

Discord Lucast#0562 (Preferred contact method)


“we dont wait for nerfs” is an ATOC guild on Stormrage that this looking for people to join our raid team. we raid Tuesday/Thursday 8pm-11pm est. we are currently 7/8 on heroic. if you are insteasted in talking with us please message either myself or our Guild leader

edelian#1858 and disc is Edelian#5773
my disc is Brondovah#8728


Hey there! Bold may be a good fit!
—About Us—
Formed on March 19, 2022, we are a fairly new Guild that has built a very active, fun, friendly, yet solid raiding environment. We are pushing for Cutting-Edge in Dragonflight but we are not trying to be ultra-hardcore about it. We believe that you can still achieve such progress while still having a fun time doing it. We do not want to burn people out on the game, kill the fun and enjoyment, or anything like that but we do need to maintain a high standard for our raiders. With frequent log reviews, open discussions about strategies, and a welcoming environment, it’s easy to integrate and be a part of the success! We also believe that everyone should get a fair chance to prove themselves. We are very transparent with trials (and even after passing and becoming Core) about performance, both in DPS/HPS and mechanics, so you know exactly what you need to work on. That all being said, though, we will bench and remove problem people as it becomes necessary. We look for people who care, are passionate, and take initiative. We also value your feedback to help make our team and our Guild a better place!

Outside of raids, we are very active and run plenty of keys. We have some people who like to PvP (though, not something we currently organize as a Guild but want to one day), do key sales, or just chat in Guild or in Discord. We’re very much focused on creating a vibrant and thriving community so raid logging is not an issue here!
We have THREE teams in our Guild. Two of them are Mythic/CE focused while our third is AOTC focused. Feel free to add the GM/RL below to inquire about the others!

We have THREE teams in our Guild. Two of them are Mythic/CE focused while our third is AOTC focused. Feel free to add the GM/RL below to inquire.

The Weekday team is CE focused on Tues/Wed from 8:30-11:30est and Thurs from 9-11 est. The Weekend team is also CE focused on Sat / Sun from 8:30-11:30 est, and the AOTC focused group is on Friday and Saturday from 8:30-11:30 est.

Currently raids are WD: 4/8M, WE: 3/8M, and FS: 5/8H.

—Not a Raider?—

We welcome all to join as socials, casuals, key runners, etc. There’s a place for everyone! Just message anyone in-game, apply in-game, or add a B-tag below!

—Can’t Commit/Raid Yet?—

If you are interested in raiding with us but are currently not ready for any reason, you can join as a Prospective Raider. Not being ready can be anything from not being geared enough, still leveling, being unable to commit to the schedule yet, etc. Once your situation changes, then we can begin a trial based on team needs. Obviously, spots aren’t going to be reserved until you’re ready, so keep that in mind!

—Basic Requirements—

18+ years old
Commitment to all days (for whichever team you inquire about).
Active and run keys.
Willing to learn, improve, and take constructive criticism.
Always come to raid prepared.
Cross-realm/faction trialing is acceptable, but you are required to transfer and join once you pass your trial. No exceptions.

—Contact (B-Tags)—

GM/RL: Jäger#11356 - All inquiries
Recruitment Officer: Reluctor#1255 - CE focused inquires
FS Raid Lead: VictoriaKins#1971 - AOTC focused inquires

Looking to bring in a dps friend as well: warrior/spriest, fat pumps, 8/8hc 2/8m 2400io

Sent you a discord request, looking forward to talking with you.

Hi Shampainx!

In Other News on Stormrage-US is recruiting dps for Vault of the Incarnates!

We pride ourselves on having a welcoming, friendly, laid-back atmosphere, while striving for mythic progression.

The classes we are currently looking for include: heals: paladin, or monk; ranged: mage, evoker, or priest; or melee: demon hunter, paladin, rogue, death knight, or shaman!

However, we are ALWAYS looking for exceptional players!

We raid Wednesday, and Thursday, 8:15pm - 11:00pm server time.

Our progression in Vault of the Incarnates is 8/8 normal, 8/8 heroic, and 2/8 mythic.

We will be using RCLootCouncil loot system for item drops, to keep it fair for everyone, and keep everyone gearing evenly. We offer discord for all members, in which we do require a working microphone in case you need to ever call out for something raid related. We use cauldrons for flasks in the raid, feasts for food, and provide vantus runes when needed.

Every Tuesday night is a dedicated M+ night for the whole guild. Any skill and item level is welcome to this night, and we do lower keys when necessary, but we also have multiple groups getting high keys completed.

We have a Community in game also, and would love to raid with our horde friends also!

If you are interested in applying or would like more information feel free to add Zahliah#1647 to talk some more about In Other News!