Resto Sham lf M+ guild home

Resto Shammy looking for a mythic+ guild. 2900 io exp in bfa and some in SL took a break last season for health reasons and looking for an active guild that does Mythic+
i have played since vanilla. I have done endgame content in every expac with aotc in pretty much all of it. I am a 2 time glad on my priest heals.
i come prepared, no bs ,no drama, no hand holding.

btag is Britbrat#1136

Mythic Plus only?

yeah raiding too my husbands also a lock

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Did the times work for you guys? 830cst to 1130

Hey Leivina! My guild sounds like it could be a good fit. Sending you a request on btag. We have lots of people running keys anywhere from 15-21. We also raid twice a week, but that’s not mandatory if you’re not into raiding :slight_smile: - linking guild post below