**421 Resto Shaman ** (Heal Only)
417 Tank DK (can also DPS or play another class)
We’re a package deal. We like to think of ourselves as pretty good players. Listen to directions, on time, prepared… Looking for a active/decent raid team raiding heroic mode. We currently have 4/8H experience. We’re Eastern Time. Can’t raid super late due to work. Looking for earlier the better! Latest for evening time we can do is Ending raid time at 10:30-11:00pm.
At this point we’d be willing to xfer if need be! (Horde or Alliance)
Would love to talk for more info!
BNet: BizzarBox#1704
Hey there! Would love to chat. Info spam below.
<The Gorgonites> is a newly formed Horde guild recovering from prior raid teams that fell apart after WoW Classic’s release. Based on the Hyjal realm, we are seeking competitive players to fill out our ranks as we push our progression into Mythic Eternal Palace.
Our roster is comprised of raiders who seek cutting-edge progression on a convenient schedule. As a two-night raiding guild, our environment is very laid back with semi-hardcore focus on raiding. With only being a 2-day it is crucial that our raiders are capable of analyzing their performance and constantly striving to become better.
We understand that life happens, however we require raiders to post in discord when they are going to be absent.
Many of our raiders are online at all hours of the day/night running mythic+, farming islands, or pushing arena. We’re seeking similar players with personality, competitive drive.
US - Horde - Hyjal
Fri & Sat 7:30 - 10:30 PST (10:30 - 0130 EST)
Wed Optional ALT/Missed run
[8/8H] Eternal Palace (leads have prior experience up to 4/8M)
We’re currently looking for core raiders for DPS and Heal to fill out our mythic roster.
-Resto Shaman-
-Holy Pally (Prot OS)
Medium :
Blood/DPS DK
-Ranged DPS
Raid spots are performance and composition based, so exceptional players should always apply regardless of our current needs.
Contact Us
Hey there. Sorry thats WAYYY to late for us.
< Guild Name Loading> Proudmoore Is a Semi-Casual raiding guild looking for more to fill our raid team! Our current raid progression is 8/8N 8/8H The Eternal Palace. Our members have been raiding together since BC and are very knowledgeable. We are in search of likeminded players who are ready to progress and have fun doing it! We are a socially active guild that has a very active discord and guild chat. If you are just looking for a place to call home but not raid that’s fine as well all are welcome!! 
Raid times:
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 8 pm EST to 10pm EST
Raiding Needs:
Tanks: Open
Heals: Paladin, Priest, Monk, Druid
Melee Dps: Druid, Warrior, Paladin, Rogue, Death knight
Ranged Dps: Hunter, Shaman, Mage, Shadow Priest, Druid
Please Contact with any questions:
Guild master: Sophiana (Dyslexia#1187)
Co GM: RoosterD (GrizzlyLC#11705)
Recruitment: Superduelist (superduelist#1290)
Nocturnal Sun on Area52 has team recruiting for AotC, we will do mythic once AotC is done. Looking for raiders committed to personal improvement, as well as contributing to a fun team environment. We also take social apps for those not wanting to commit to raiding!
Raid times:
-Sat & Sun 8:00pm – 11:00pm EST
Team Goals:
-AoTC & Mythic Progression at our pace. As we are not in any sort of race mythic progression will be done at a pace that feels comfortable to the team once we reach our goal of AotC.
Team Needs:
High priority to healers or dps with heal off spec, high need for melee classes though DPS of all kinds please contact Jess, exceptional dps will always be considered!
Requirements – Min ilvl of 400 and min neck level of 50 for normal clears, basic knowledge of fights.
About Nocturnal Sun:
-We are a team that has been raiding together since Uldir, we are friends that enjoy each other company and raiding together.
Uldir AoTC 4/8M
BoD AoTC 4/9M
- We are an adult guild, if the occasional joking with each other and swearing bother you then we aren’t the guild for you!
-We consider the enjoyment of the game and loyalty more important then your parse!
Team Expectations:
-We expect all raiders to hold themselves accountable, take ownership of your mistakes and learn from them. Help is always available if you aren’t understanding something or need clarification.
-We expect each team member to come prepared knowing the strategies for each boss before entering raid by looking at strat/kill videos/warcraftlogs replays.
-We expect all raiders to be able to take constructive criticism well so they can look into their own logs/wowanalyzer to improve their gameplay wherever it is needed.
-We expect raiders to have appropriate addons installed and updated before raid; we use Angry Assignments, GTFO and Weak Auras - this is not optional.
To apply contact:
-Jesseika#11484 (Discord Jesseika#6725) Jessieka
-Shadowiz128#1805 (Discord Shadowiz#3133) Shadowiz
Or fill out an app here
Hello, please check out us and see if we might be a good fit for you. [A] <Purveyors of Darkness> Sunday AOTC SFO Looking for More for Dragonflight
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Our guild is in area - 52 called shadow council. We are currently in need of a healer and dps with off tank spec. We raid tue/wed 7-10 server time. The guild has a very active discord, we are mostly an older group. At the same time we enjoy ripping on each other as much as possible. The raid team is aotc, we also pvp and do mythic plus. Our meme game is extremely strong on discord. If this at all interest you please let me know btag is criptide#11225
Avoidable Damage {horde} Mal’Ganis 8/8 H 2/8 M EP
Bnet: Artslavist#1869
We raid:
8pm - 11pm EST Friday and Saturday. Plans for an “alt night” are currently up in the air.
All classes & roles are welcome to apply.
What we expect from YOU:
- Can commit to a high attendance rate (90%+) and you are reliable.
- You have to be a team player, respect for guildies and don’t make drama about gear or why you might be sitting out.
- You care about your character regarding optimizing everything such a gems, enchants, rotation etc.
- You have to be able to take criticism in a mature way.
- Be willing to progress and let the progression drive you.
- We are recruiting the player, not the class. Be able to adapt to other classes/roles if necessary.
- Have a good sense of humor.
- Be willing to become part of a community of sociable players.
You can contact our recruiting leaders via Discord at: