Resto throughput is too low in the current PTR build… Resto is on average doing 5-600k less HPS overall compared to MW, Hpriest, etc.
Not to mention the severe mana issues as well… Something other healers dont have to worry about.
Please tune Resto further, there is too much of a gap between healers!
Hopefully Blizzard will look into this, further tuning is definitely required. Also feels bad without AG.
Season 2 will heavily rely on healer throughput.
It’s actually pretty sad atm. Most have been ranking shaman last on the healers on throughput and on top of that our mana issues are crazy atm. When I say crazy like M+ on the PTR just healing through a boss fight I was sweating trying not to go oom and even then, I would be at 1-5%. On the other healers I tested I would end the fight above 50% mana and didn’t have to work as hard for the hps check.