Resto mana

does anyone else have a problem with mana? I seem to run out way too much. I have shaman healed since TBC and feel like the mana is in its worst state.


I dont typically notice it for things 22 and under. I may occasionally drink before a boss to top off.

A lot of it comes to getting the right amount of crit (I am around 40% right now), as low haste as you feel comfy with (for me that is around 15%). And liberally using healing cds, especially ancestral guidance. And assuming using the standard High Tide build, resisting the urge to chain heal outside of HT/TB windows.

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my crit is about 28%, which may cause some of the problem. I have recently moved to the high tide build. I have always run builds outside the mainstream ones with little to no issue. I am not running mana totem, it brings back so little mana that it seems to me, to be a waste of a talent. So i run torrent, which is a noticeable increase. Someone suggested that I may be using riptide too often. At 4k mana, and the amount it heals for, it seems like a no brainer to use though.

I am not an expert by any means but just started rolling through m+ with my resto shaman. I watched ZucoWow video from a few weeks back on passive healing build.

It is a pretty fun build and have no issues keeping people up so far nor do i use much mana aside from an intense fight or 2 that brought me to maybe 60% mana. The key being to almost never cast chain heal. I think in the several dungeons i did this weekend with that shammy, i may have cast it 3 or 4 times max per dungeon run.

Anyway, may or may not be helpful but thought i would share

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Mana tide totem will give you more of a HPS increase (along with the mana) than torrent.

Not really possible.

Too much chain healing/healing surge regardless of build will oom you.

Gotta learn when you can rely on just cooldowns/totems/riptide/healing wave and when you need more.

Ive been running haste/HST since the start of the season and only struggled with mana when I was still running high tide and unnecessarily using chain heal.

Ive been completely chain heal free for a few weeks now and and am also not using BRH mana trinket except for tyrannical to be safe and my mana has been fine. I think I’m at 28% crit with corruption phial.

Tier set riptide duplication, riptide casts, and HST do like 70% or more of my healing, the rest is just healing wave/surge occasionally and primordial.

I also started running mana spring passive and it’s been noticable in overall since I’m running lava surge again.

I just can’t get into HST.

It gives a lot of pad healing that you don’t typically need while losing out on burst healing. Looks great on meters, though.

Lol, almost all healing is “pad healing” outside of lifesaving healing surges on fortified trash pulls.



When healing stream totem mostly tops off a tank that is already going to heal himself that is a bit different.

Like…I am happy it works for you to some degree.

You realize how resto druids are healing this season right? You’re stating your opinion as if HST is bad lol

Cloudburst does the same thing brother

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If you use it poorly, I guess.

Most healers have mana issues now. If not in m+, then in raid. Excepting disc priest of course which is just silly.