Resto is dog now

This is just how Resto plays now after healing was double-nerfed (once at the start of the expansion and AGAIN at the start of Season 2), along with a few smaller nerfs to resto along the way. It’s basically the same as it would have been before if you were trying to heal with really bad gear relative to the content you were healing. You have to go full-on balls-to-the-wall just to be able to do what used to be considered “normal” healing. Since we are a HoT-based ramp healer, that mean pre-HoTing people, stacking lots of HoTs on people, trying to maintain those ramps between pulls, etc.

Oh, by the way, 85% of the affix workload this season falls on the healer. Whether it’s affixes such as Afflicted that are straight-up considered to be “healer affixes”, or things like bursting that are often ignored by everyone else even though they can easily double or triple the amount of damage that needs to be healed.

As a healer, you have less control over whether you can actually heal the group now more than ever before. The plus side to that is if you are playing with an organized group of good people who avoid avoidable damage and help with affixes, healing can actually be stress free and somewhat fun. The negative side to that is there is literally nothing you can do, even in a lower level key, when people play stupid. So right now you have basically two camps, the elitists who only play with their butt-buddies on Discord and talk about how amazing healing is right now. And then you have the people who actually pug (or used to pug) which at this point consists mostly of masochists or people who have already quit healing this season because it’s not worth it.


i friggin hate this! it’s almost a liability to cast tranq without a proper setup…def not very “ultimate” feeling


Resto is for the most part fine. Only problem is the low dps it does.

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If by “fine”, you mean “feels like the soul has been ripped out of it”, then sure. If you also mean, “wow I feel like rerolling to pally/priest”, then yes.

Afflicted is in no way just a healer affix.
At least for Prot Paladin, Druid, Priests, shamans, Monk, and any other class that can cleanse.

Bursting is very manageable as well, many classes have heals they can throw out as well as priests with mass dispel.

Already rerolling priest anyway. This isn’t like a debate topic. Resto druid just feels terrible to play now and lacks tools, you can’t debate your way out of that fact.

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You think priest has MORE tools (utility) than Druid? That’s a hot take.

uhh… sorry to break the news to you, but the current state of Resto Druid isn’t because of anything they did to Resto Druids, it is because of a blanket double-nerf that all healers got hit with. If you think that changing classes is going to fix anything, then you’re in for a rude awakening. Good luck with that.

Pally was maybe a bit stronger, but Blizzard is taking care of that:

Sounds to me like ye playing it wrong.

Yeah, so instead of making other healers come up to HPal, and maybe getting more people to heal as a result, let’s nerf HPals back down.

8% + 15% on tyr’s seems a bit much.


See I agree with this. Why nerf Hpal, bring up other Healers up to their level, nerfs feel horrible regardless, getting a buff always feels good no matter how you look at it.

I would of rather seen other healers getting a buff to compensate on how Hpal is doing currently.

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Priests are kind of in the Same boat where they were Stronk AF at the initial start of the Xpac but as things started to scale get more HP scaling hasn’t been the best.

Hpal are still In an Exceptional spot in terms of Raiding and M+ but i have some pally friends and they agreed that Pallys Needed the adjustments, they were thinking maybe up to 5% For both healing and DMG but overall it didnt kill the spec or their performance.
There’s def been a Healer Identity crisis this Xpac i its odd How some classes are getting certain spells and After effects that is potentially more beneficial or could help improve Current Healing Specs its meant for compared to those it isnt meant for

Yeah that in particular was extremely unnecessary.

Waste of mana*

… As well. lol

they seriously need to buff resto druids…i’m so tired of seeing these other classes get love, and the druids are just left in the dust.

how long you guys think we’ll have useless nodes like improved sunfire, and forestwalking (lol) in our tree?


Uh, they do.


  • Hymn of hope - defensive recharge and mana restoration group-wide.
  • Divine Hymn - AoE heal that increases healing received. - Not reliant on pre-empt hots like druid is.
  • Angelic Feather - move speed team 3 limit.
  • Inspiration Base tree - 5 % physical dmg reduce for ally.
  • Void Swap - Oh crap emergency Hp switch.
  • Body and Soul - Ally move speed.
  • Power Infusion - Ally and Yourself 20% Haste.
  • Leap of Faith - Emergency reposition for ally.
  • Mind Soothe - You know to stop mobs from getting pulled and u can skip stuff.
  • Spirit of Redemption - Oh crap I died, lemme heal for no mana cost for free party heals.
  • Mass Dispel - Because Pog lemme mass cleanse everyone and enemies.
  • AOE Fear - Can choose talent to root in place
  • AOE Root - Can choose talent to root in place ( You know cause screw druids AoE root was theirs and shamans thing but let us give it to priest why not?)




  • DMG that’s 10 times more than a resto druid

Resto Druid

  • Innervate - for myself because umm, I have mana issues and blizz won’t fix it.
  • Ironbark - for 20% dmg reduce on ally every 1 min
  • Stampeding Roar - Raid / Group speed every 2 min I think maybe 1 min with talent.
  • Wild Charge - Our self reposition, doesn’t help allies at all.
  • Cyclone - Eek if you have the talent for it cause druid tree is terrible lmao.
  • Mass Roots - Yay but other OP keys classes have it too and tbh this season and last no one needs mass roots so who cares
  • Mighty Bash - Niche
  • Disorienting Roar - Terrible it removes DoTs, ( Should be changed like blinding sleet to not mass purge for free)
  • Natures Vigil - Nerffed to the ground but here are somewhat dmg for you resto druids.
  • Tranquility - AoE heal, Did I mention I have to put all my HoTs up for it to effectively? heal.
  • Typhoon - Hopefully you have talents, because you don’t lmao.
  • Skullbash - Silence, Never going to happen you don’t have talents for it.
  • Hibernate - No talents to take it and there are virtually no beasts or dragons in this line of season.


  • Barkskin - DMG REDUCE FOR SELF
  • RENEWAL - 30% Heal for SELF need to shift into bear for full effect which should be changed very annoying to waste YET ANOTHER GLOBAL LMAO.
  • Frenzied Regen - Self heal for SELF long CD and guess what? The moment you SHIFT to use it you gotta STAY in bear to retain the effect for 3 - 4 seconds.

So no. Priest has way more utility and a more effective and modern Base tree and Spec Tree than a druid. With a more MODERN and UPDATED playstyle to the class. Just like they were in TBC as the only healer with real utility. The same thing here.


I disagree. The Druid base tree has been a problem since they even opened the talents for people to view in beta / alpha.

They still are the problem.

Stats don’t even feel worthwhile on a druid, Legit you can build 20% haste and it will still feel like 30% haste. There is virtually no difference. The same with having high Vers and Mastery; the heals are the same. Every stat is garbage.

I had people test this in season 1 and this was a major complaint that didn’t get fixed.

Rotation, global after global! The moment you are behind you are bottom heals. Meanwhile Evoker and hpally and notably wait for a CD lineup to heal. Which isn’t the nature of druids but really? Like at least make WIld Growth instant cast again my god.

Base Talent Tree

What druid even uses Nourish? No one.

So many one build paths. Virtually everything in the base tree is ineffective to take besides that two build path for mythic + and Raid and that is it.

Any other custom build is impossible because of a lack of talent. As for druid, it is not just I need these 3 talents to make this rotation of healing viable. It is I need all 6 of these talents to make this rotation viable.


Adaptive Swarm / Unbridled Swarm- Not having an unbridled swarm baseline in it.
Germination Talent - At this point should be the baseline
Tranquility - No talent to make us move with it.
Dream State Talent - WTF is this LOL!
Photosynthesis - Should be baseline into Lifebloom.
Nourish - Should just be deleted.
Mana - Mana cost need to be reduced or mana regen needs seriously increased.

Boom druid fixed


Our experiences differ I guess. I definitely notice the difference between 20% and 30% haste, I just think it’s a shame that 30% haste is actually needed now whereas 20% haste was more than enough in previous expansions. It makes for a frantic healing experience.

Mastery is amazing because it’s a stacking bonus. It’s not too hard to get it up to 20% Mastery or so, and it’s easily possible to have 6+ HoTs on the same person. That’s an absolutely massive healing increase (6 HoTs on the same person, at 20% Mastery, would be a 120% healing increase), especially for smaller groups where you can reliably keep multiple HoTs on every person.

Crit and Vers are boring, but at least Vers helps with damage reduction, which unfortunately matters now given the increased number of mechanics in each encounter. Same reason why the Sporecloak is one of the most popular crafted items and why you now see some healers actually enchanting for Stamina and Avoidance.

I agree that the talents could use some work, but since the current faceroll rejuv + Flourish playstyle puts out “good” numbers in raids, it’s unlikely we’ll see any love.


I mean, no one in here is wrong necessarily, other than about Priest not having a better utility kit and also just feeling better to play.

This thread is mainly about feeling of play. It’s annoying, tedious, spammy, and there’s too much management and GCD spam.
To whoever said I was playing wrong: Yes, sometimes I forget to keep Efflo down. Do you know how bad putting circles on the ground is??? If you never played a healer at a decent level, don’t even comment.
Yes, sometimes I forget to use some of my kit because there is 200 buttons to remember and I am CONSTANTLY CASTING, IT IS AT LEAST 200 APM, there are NO DEAD GCDS, EVER. I AM NOT PERFECT. It just feels terrible. It’s like Affliction Warlock.

I am not even saying Druid’s are bad, when I say they are dog now I mean in soul, spirit, how they play, mechanically, the GCD lock, the bloat, remembering everything, no build paths YOU WILL SPAM HOTS WITH ALL YOUR GCDS.

Sorry for the caps, but I feel it’s necessary and it’s easier than going through and bolding stuff.

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I’m the latter camp. I just don’t want to play cus it’s not fun.

Afflicted sucks. I don’t run keys on Afflicted weeks without some hybrids to handle the dispels. I need to use my dispel on the group too often to be dealing with that stuff.

Overall, resto isn’t that bad. In raid, I think the ramps are a bit excessive at times, since if you get any kind of mechanic while ramping, you’re basically worthless. In keys, I wish I had stronger single target options for spot healing without needing 14 hots on someone also. It frustrates me that a ret/prot paladin WOG is so much stronger than any spot heal in our kit.

The need to roll hots in keys to keep the group up means even lower DPS than our already low DPS.

The Druid class tree is pretty rough too. I think we have the last 3 point stat talent in the game now. I hate having to give up so much survivability to get any kind of DPS.