Resto / enhance, kyrian?

Its less about even pushing high keys/High Content.

For instance, I was trying elemental as Night Fae. It was fun, but when I tried out necrolords for primordial wave, the difference was just night and day for the active ability.

I got to use primordial wave much faster than fae transfusion, and it fit into my burst combos much smoother allowing for me to do more dmg. Additionally, it was also a 4th flame shock to get lava surges rolling.

The other covenants just can’t compete with that for pvp if you want to be doing well. You can certainly use the others to pvp, but even I (who pushes just enough rbg for the mount then goes to play in randoms) can tell the difference between clunky and smooth design.

Honestly, in no way shape or form are you ever going to be able to introduce abilities that do the same thing but differently and get them to be balanced. Blizzard should have learned this from vanilla trying to balance Paladin vs Shaman. They couldn’t, and rather than continue to try, they just introduced the class to the opposite faction so they could develop them independently.

A life served in service to the elements and/or your ancestors is peak Kyrian.

Except being Kyrian means you have to cut all ties to things like your ancestors and blindly follow someone else’s plan.

To me, abandoning your ancestors is anti-shaman.

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