Resto / enhance, kyrian?

I like the look and feel of kyrian. none of the covenants match too well fantasty wise but i view shaman as honorable thanks to thrall so kyrian sounds alright.

Is that a bad choice?

I actually wanted to ask the exact same thing. I can’t do another Venthyr class, I play it on my Disc and I hate that zone with an unbelievable burning passion.

I’m doing it on my Shaman (about a 90/10 Enh/Resto split). If you like the aesthetic, just do it; the numbers for Cov abilities are going to change 200 times in the next two years anyways.

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kyrian works. It’s not the best but it’s good for all 3 specs. It’s a great hybrid covanent.


I’m Kyrian and I like it, I was originally going to main Resto but decided to main Enhance after I liked it so much. Totem is nice for extra damage and healing, plus you get Pelagos for the massive chunk of Mastery. Since you can assign soulbinds per spec, I’m using Pelagos for Enhance and Kleia for Resto, which I’ll probably swap once I unlock Kleia’s full soulbind tree.

Not very good for PvP though, since it’s an immobile totem. Really enjoy it for PvE though.

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You know i struggled with this choice. I loked the kyrian mail armor the most and really the totem was not bad, youbuse three offe sive abolities fast as shaman. The healing portion as enhance can be helpful, bit youbmay have to move it.

The Ven is jus easy to use instant cast that does good damage. It also works ok for resto and elemental. But tje armor looks cool just not maybe for shaman.

I went venth pretty casual , trying to get guild going on raiding again. Also honnestly i picked it because if pvp and I often forget to use it.

The teleportbis kinda useless because of the cast time. Giving the endge to kurian for the nice potion.

This is my biggest complaint about shadowlands… were forced into specific covenants to be competitive, even if we hate the look of it.
I do not enjoy the esthetics of Maldraxxus as all, its just not my cup of tea, yet as someone that plays all three specs in both PvE and PvP… what choice did i have really.
It really hurts desire to play to be forced into that zone.

I mean if you play all three specs, kyrian or venthyr would have been a better choice. Primordial wave might be BiS for elemental and resto but the worst one for enhancement.

Kyrian totem isn’t that far behind damage wise from primordial wave, and is chunkier if you go with it’s conduit. Basically all our covanent are within 100 dps of each other.

Agreed, I went Kyrian specifically because it was decently good for every spec, plus I like totems. I really don’t feel like I’ve limited myself by not going Venthyr, especially since Phial is immensely more useful in PvE than Door of Shadows.

true, but now factor in PvP

Vesper Totem is great for cluster healing, too. It is like another healing nuke.


Yeah, the little I Resto it’s been pretty good for that, and even given me a touch of extra DPS when I get to it (I’m bad at, and really dislike, DPSing while healing).

I even love it when Enh, since I can drop it and follow up with HST for a healing burst into the normal HST “HoT”. Then if I need more I can use MSW on a CH or HS. I don’t use it as much while questing as I would Chain Harvest but oh well; it’s not like I need either when doing WQs anyways.

I ended up going Venthyr just because Chain Harvest feels SO good but I’m mad about it

I always thought Ardenweald matched the best.
Shamans deal with Spirits a lot, with Troll Shamans being strongly tied to Loa, which are strongly tied to Ardenweald. Shamans are all about the natural harmony of the elements and how they influence the world, as well as believing in cycles and rebirth (I mean, Reincarnation, for an example). They seek to preserve the natural balances which includes the Spirits returning to their worlds after recovering in Ardenweald.

That being said, every Covenant could fit Shamans in some way, except maybe Venthyr.

I agree, but playing mostly Enh… Fae Transfusion feels like garbage to channel in melee (regardless of if it is OP or UP). Kyrian works for RP too, in that a life of service to the Elements, your tribe/clan, etc. could send you there. The aesthetic doesn’t work as well, but the underpinnings does.

Agreed, Necrolords fits pretty well too but Venthyr is quite the stretch. I don’t think of Shaman when I think of morality and sin; they are a bit too primal for that to be of utmost concern.

Is Kyrian still the choice if you like playing all three Shaman specs?

Kyrian are ironically not the honorable covenant…necrolords is.

Kyrian is a brainwashing cult.

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I chose Kyrian and main Resto, I came back late to SL, and have managed all M10s and a few higher M+ and AOTC. I liked how Kyrian looked, and I find using VT easy; VT > 2 Riptides + w/e. The biggest learning curve is placement, b/c the radius is smaller than I’d like. Using it for melee is always an option, but sometimes I throw it on a rdps / myself while healing someone else. In raids ALWAYS melee, and works great there. M+ players are more mobile though.

I keep seeing people complaining about being forced to go a certain cov.

Are you pushing mythic? 20 keys? Duelist?

You aren’t being forced into anything.

Also they are working to improve the strength of lesser used covenants.

See I am the opposite.

I think Kyrian is the only one that does not fit shaman lorewise.