Resto Druid Tree of Life Question

Good morning folks.

Recently leveled my Resto Druid up to 85 and made my way through various content to achieve a raid ready healer. I am currently at my 2003 Haste break point for that extra tick of HoTs–but that is not what I’m trying to work through. When in Tree of Life, Lifebloom can be applied to an unlimited amount of targets as we all know. The game seems to be struggling to keep up with me applying said lifebloom to multiple targets. What I mean by that, is, I reapply one to the Tank (for the increased healing via ToL), then start rolling them on other players who are taking the most damage. Here is where my problem shows up. I hit lifebloom on the tank, it applied quickly as expected. Each target after that will some times not apply at all, there will be a delay, or the characters hands will glow green for a solid second-to-second and a half waiting for it to apply.

I Thought it might be an interface issue, so I disabled ALL of my addons, then made new folders and started fresh. It did NOT change the results. Anybody else experiencing this, and if so, I will bring it up in the bug report forum for solution.

Lifebloom has a lower gcd than other abilities, this however bugs out now and then and it still thinks it is on the gcd but isnt, but doesnt cast because the game thinks it is on the gcd.

Its a known bug that isnt likely to be fixed.

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