Looking to mainly pvp . Which is currently in a better spot
Hpal has solid tools but not much mobility and has to hard cast. His CD are nice and really powerful (Divine shield/BoP/BoF) though but he’s not great at AoE heal.
Drood is kinda the opposite. Lots of instant heal, lots of mobility and very hard to kill 1v1.
It’s two very different play styles. I’d say Hpal will perform better in a fixed set-up with people playing around you whereas Rdrood can fit pretty much everywhere and is quite independent.
Cleanse is king, unless you want 1 shotted by shamans. Cleansing flameshock is a must.
So for solo and group play id say Hpala.
6 second stun, BoF, BoP, BoS , Holy shock can be used offensively and defensively.
Just all around easier tool kit to use