Resto Druid Optimal Raid Ramping?

Hey guys, I’ve been google/youtube searching guides for resto during raid since launch and each video is usually just an explanation of how the class works. I’m 8/8H and parse decently but always feel like I could be doing something differently.

I’m simply looking for advice on the best way to approach raid healing to get the most HPS and class effectiveness without misusing my GCDs and burning through my entire mana pool.

Any experienced into is much appreciated.


It’s difficult to give advice to such an open-ended question. The best Ramp will usually be the one that creates the most mastery stacks in the shortest amount of time on the people who are going to take the most damage. But your exact ramp will be dictated by your talent build and the needs of the encounter.

But some general advice,

Make sure to use Rejuvenation properly. Don’t try to use it as a reactive heal after a large damage event. Don’t try to blanket the entire raid with rejuvenation (too expensive, not effective relative to GCDs spent). Think of Rejuvenation mainly as a casted mastery stack that’s main purpose is to empower other spells. That can mean casting it before other spells, even on someone who hasn’t taken damage yet, or it could mean layering it on top of other HoTs that are already ticking on someone. Ideally don’t use Rejuvenation by itself.

Be smart with your Regrowth usage. It will vary depending on your talents, but you should have very good clearcast-proc uptime to the point where you should be able to cast the majority of your Regrowths using clearcast procs. Regrowth is too expensive to cast without a clearcast proc or innervate. Abundance can bring the cost of Regrowth down, but cheap is still more expensive than free and you don’t get the power boost from the clearcast proc.

Overall, just keep in mind that the sooner you can begin a ramp, the stronger the ramp will be. While you can’t predict the future, you can recognize patterns, such as certain people who are regularly taking more damage than others. These people would be your first-choice to pre-HoT with Rejuvenation, etc.

The short answer. Reroll if you want to do any type of healing. Druids are god awful at anything healing related.

Bear is the most useful spec in PVE followed by boomie.
Cat is good in PVP
Resto is complete trash.

Its depends on build, boss, raid size, and the other healers so its hard to get an exact answer. Resto druid will always look bad if youre overhealing because we’re the easiest healer to snipe.

Running keeper my big ramp generally goes: start focus spreading rejuvs 10~15 seconds before big damage, use incarn or swiftmend for reforestation then use that soul buff for a 7 person wildgrowth into a flourish. Sprinkle in treants for the bonus to all your active now extended rejuvs as needed by the damage, use soul buffed wildgrowth everytime its up and fill any gaps with regrowths that should be super cheap from abundance and instant from incarn. If incarn lasts longer then the damage take that time to spam instant wraths for the mana return.

Alternatively: i hit tranq go reforestation incarn for another buffed wildgrowth and flourish (that the tranqs cd reduction let me use early) with as many treants as needed.
I use this mostly for transition prep; where i can get the full tranq off safely right before they start to get the whole raid stable and then the flourished hots keep the group okay while other healers get their cooldowns going. Like right before princess pie slices or second brood canister.

Need to make sure youre doing all the normal upkeep though, efflo on the group, lifebloom on the tank or high damage dot taking people, innervate and clearcasting where you can, not capping treants unless you know youll need all 3, using blooming infusion for the mana.

I am running a heavy rejuv focus though with abundance, thriving and germ and am very liberal with my mana cause i do a lot of master shapeshifter refunds, other builds might have mana problems.

For wildstalker no idea, i only use it in keys.