Resto druid looking for M+ team

Hello! I am a 441-resto druid looking for a M+ push team. Io score is 2621 been trying to push into some 20s but pugs been rough :sweat_smile: Available mostly past 8 p.m central time

Hi! I’m Vita. Team CPT of The M+ team The Pineapple Bois. Let’s have a chat!

-Stranded- on Area 52 is an AOTC guild looking for like-minded players who wish to participate in Mythic raiding and push high keys.

Raid times/days: Wednesdays/Thursdays 10pm - 12am EST

We are currently seeking a DPS DK and Warlock to fill out our Mythic Raiding needs.

For M+ers, we are seeking players of any class. Our M+ comps are generally non-meta, so all are encouraged to apply. We all have KSM from multiple seasons as far back as Legion with our members having a wide range of raiding experience thru multiple expansions. While this level of experience is not required, it is preferred that you have a decent amount of key and/or raid experience from any M+ season or Raiding Tier. Our unscheduled M+ run times happen thruout the week and weekends on non-raid days in the evenings usually around 7 PM server time with runs happening into the late night.

Bonus points if you have aspirations for Break The Meta Season 2 contest. Check out our M+ team The Pineapple Bois on Raider IO!

Please contact Chipper#3713 or Draco Amantis#6882 via discord if this opportunity is up your alley.

Thank you for your time!