383 Resto druid LF a guild that day raids during the week. willing to server change pst.
Not sure what time zone you’re in at all so I’m just gonna spam my guilds that can use a resto druid.
Warsong on Turalyon (Weekend):
7/8M (2%M G’huun)
Saturday & Sunday 1pm-4pm EST
- 1
Mistweaver Monk
- 1
Restoration Druid
- 1
Balance Druid
- 1
- 1
Blood OS
Hey I’m definitely looking for a resto Druid right now. I’m not sure if you want something very late at night; we raid 1am pst, but if so we’ve definitely got an opening right now.
Anyways here’s the spam, let me know.
<LateNight> is looking for more mythic raiders to finish off our mythic core roster. We are currently 7/9N 1/8H.
We raid Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday
1am-3am PST
4am-6am EST
LateNight is a group consisting of players who are mostly 2nd shift and cannot make 1st shift raid times, or who enjoy raiding on a second character. We run Mythic+ together and often mess around in RBGs and arenas for fun.
If you’re not interested in pressing Mythic content, we still run heroic on a weekly basis and of course M+. If the times work for you we’re always open to people that just want a home to hang out, discord and in game.
Hit me up if you’re interested
Bnet - Gilbz#1153
Discord - Gilbz#5864
The Flaw is a ATOC 1 day a week raiding guild looking for additional friends to add to your ranks.
The core of our guild has been raiding together for about 6-7 years in mostly high end mythic capacity. Our real lives have caught up to us with full time jobs, kids and families taking up most of our video game time. We’re all still nerds that have the desire to raid so we only raid one day a week and fit in M+ on other days as time allows.
We raid Wednesdays from 8pm-11 CST and focus on Heroic ATOC progression with M+ on off days (typically Monday/Tuesday/Thursday).
We recently had a few players step away from the game and our current needs are:
Melee DPS:
Death Knight
Havoc Demon Hunter
Range DPS:
Boomkin (Resto OS a plus)
Disc/Holy Priest (Shadow Off Spec a plus)
Holy Paladin
Anything not a bear, our current tanks are open to role swapping.
If interested post below or you can contact me via Bnet Xenocryst#1593
Failed at Hogger is a horde guild on Turalyon recruiting for our mythic roster! We raid Tues/Wed 8-11pm est
With Dazar’alor now out we’re looking to expand our ranks! We’re not only looking for raiders but we’re also looking for m+ pushers (especially Healers)
Immediate openings for Plate Tank / Resto shams / Holy Pally / Resto Druid that meet these requirements and are ready to raid. All ranged dps will be considered for a open spot though!
Requirements to be considered for the mythic bench/mythic team include: Good attendance, 60%+ parse, at least a 36 min. on your neck, doing your m+ weekly (whether it be a 10 or 15) good attitude and good raid awareness!
Recruitment contacts:
Btag: Abysm#1567 Disc: Bitwise/Abysmn#0429
Btag: Coffee#1218 Disc: Cath#9702
7/8 m 4/9 h mon-tues-thr 9-12 est james#12323
Hello my guild is in need a of a resto Druid. Add me in discord or bnet and let’s talk.
No Turning Back is an Alliance raiding guild on Sargeras. We are 4/9 heroic. Our core is composed a few real life friends who have been playing together for years and most of which have raiding experience dating back to vanilla. We are looking for competent and reliable players who enjoy raiding and pushing keys.
Raid Times:
Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s from 7:30-11:30pm cst.
If you are interested in joining add one our battle tags:
bnet Ash#11430 Discord Celesaris#7924
Hey man adding my guild spam to you hit me up if you want to chat.
The Matrix [A] Stormrage was founded by players who started in vanilla/TBC and is looking for a healer and a few ranged dps to fill out our raid group. Times are tues and thursday 8:15 to 10:30 server. So far we have killed 5/9 normal and are just needing a few more people to fill out the group. The guild uses Discord and it is required for raiders. You dont need to be able to talk but we need you to be able to hear us.
Gear isnt supper important to us its pretty easy to catch up nowadays. Whats much more important to us is your attitude and ability to learn. There are normally M+ groups running and normally someone looking for guildies to run with.
Currently we are recruiting one healer preferably raid healing focused and several ranged dps. Warlock is a priority but there are several spots open.
If you’re looking for a fun place to hang out, kill bosses and get loot add me on Bnet (Alfouran#1727) or reply to this forum post.
Thanks. =)
Hello! I am not sure if you are interested in going Alliance or not, but thought I would toss my guild info for you to look over!
Evolved is an 18+ community and most of our members have families, jobs, etc so we understand the importance of real life coming first. Because of this, we do not require 100% raid attendance. We run multiple raid groups, so plenty of room for you! Everyone is super friendly, mature, and a ton of fun to be around. We like to focus on having a strong community as it makes the game so much more enjoyable! We do all kinds of things besides raiding such as M+, arena, world pvp, dungeons, etc. We just like having fun together!
We raid Tues/Fri/Sat from 9-11 pm EST with an optional hour on Fri/Saturday. Evolved is an Alliance guild on the Proudmoore server.
You can read more at:
You can contact me at BNet Starlight200#1548 or Discord Star#0700 if you have more questions!
I wish you luck in the guild hunt! Finding the right group makes a huge difference!